Chapter 14

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Annette Kelly

3 months later

"I miss my daughter Stephen. I wish she would come to visit." I sadly said.

"Our daughter! You just talked to her Net and as long as I'm still alive and here, she will not come back home for anything. You know that!" My husband exclaimed.

"Well how about you try calling her then Steph and apologize!"

"Apologize!? I wish I would Annette, I did no wrong towards that child!"

"For goodness sake man! You two wouldn't be in this ignorant situation if you just would've been there for her, believed in her! It's been 5 years since you've talked to your own daughter!" I stated now getting annoyed with this same conversation all the time with him.

"I don't have time for this. Not today!"

"Yeah I see, you barely have time for anything that's dealing with family anymore!" I said walking away into our bedroom closing the door behind me.

Of course Stephen followed me, "What do you mean Annette?"

"Exactly what I said. You always so caught up in your job, you don't make time for anything or anyone else. Even me and I'm supposedly your wife!" I sat at the headboard of the bed.

"A man can't work and make sure his family is secured now?"

"That's not what I'm saying Steph!"

"Then what are you saying Net?"

"I'm saying you're not the man you use to be. You're not the man I once married. You used to be the family man that took time out for his daughter and wife all the time." I sighed, picking up the book off the nightstand.

He took the book from me and sat on the edge of the bed beside me, "Is this really how you feel Annette? Why would you not discuss this with me when you first felt this way?"

"How could I? You're either at work, sleep, or in the garage."

Stephen sighed, "I promise I'll make it up to you sweetheart."

"Don't make it up to me! All I want you to do is contact Chassy and talk to your daughter baby. She needs her father." I lowly said, touching his shoulder.

"Alright Net. I'll see what I can do, she probably doesn't even want to speak to me."

"You'll be surprised baby." I said kissing his temple.

"What you mean?"

"She ask about you all the time for what reason I don't know and every time we talk she always mentions something from you the past."

"For what reason? Because that's my baby girl, remember she's a daddy's girl first!" He smirked.

"Yeah if you say so Steph. I just wish her and Blake would quit this back and forth bullshit! I just want them to be happy together and raise Maurice like we rai— OOP!" I said putting my hand over my mouth.

Steph looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "What do you mean raise Maurice, who is Maurice!? Annette don't lie to me either!"

I sighed, "Stephen Kelly, you have a grandson. An 11 month old grandchild!" He stared into space and wiped under his cheek. "Are you crying Steph? Why?" I said standing in front of him.

"How could y'all keep this away from me? I have a grandson that turns 1 year old next month, ARE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS ANNETTE!?" He stood up in front of me.

"Calm your voice down Stephen Kelly! Chastity has her reasons of not telling you. She wanted to surprise you sooner or later."

"Yeah what's her inexcusable reason? Let me guess Net, she had it with that inadequate little nigga and she was too ashamed to tell me!?"

"Are you serious!? Watch your mouth Stephen!"

"You can't tell me what to do in my own home! It's bad enough she leaves to go to New York without my permission! Then she decides to have a child with this nigga that's no good for her! Yes Annette, I am serious!" He yelled.

"See that's how much you know about your own child! Chastity is a successful influencer Steph. She has a beautiful son with that 'inadequate' guy. He was once her best friend and you use to love hi—"

"Yeah before I knew he liked my daughter. You and I both know he put that idea in her head to move up there Net! My little girl man, he took her away from me!" He sat back down on the bed with his head down.

"I see what this is about Stephen. You're jealous... Jealous that she loves another man that's not her father."

"I'm done talking about this Annette!" He quietly said and laid back on the bed.

I laid beside him and put my arm around his torso, "It's okay baby. She is still and always will be your little girl, but what you need to understand is, she has to grow up and get older. You have to trust that she will be smart and will-powered enough to make decisions on her own like we taught her, like you taught her. If there's only one thing I know, I know she is her father's child.

Chastity was 18 when she decided herself she wanted to move to New York and do something she loves. You know Chassy has always talked about moving there and she stepped out on faith Steph. She lived by something you've always told her yourself,

'Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams.'"

He looked at me and said, "I love you Net."

"I know you do Stephen Kelly!"

"Oh you do?" He kissed my forehead.

"Yes, Yes I do. Can you do me one favor?"

"Call and wish your daughter a happy 24th birthday, please! It would mean a lot to her."

Stephen sighed. I thought to myself, he deserved to know what's been going on in his child's life for the past 5 years.

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