Jazmines pov

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I, Jazmine have liked Derek since as long I can remember. I never told him but my best friend Desi knew and I trusted her, or so I thought. Starting senior year we were eating at lunch at our usual table just the four of us. Desi was flirting with Derek so much so after lunch I asked her what that was all about and she said that they had been taking over the summer and thought about getting together. I was so mad I didn't even know what to do I wanted to just slap her. So I did. I got sent to the principals office didn't really say much just that it was a accident and then got picked up by my older sister who I live with because my parents are drug heads who really have no life. Anyway I texted Derek asking him if it was true and what he said next shocked me. He said, "look Ik u slapped Desi but I don't like her it was just a set up to see if u like me cause actually I like u". Reading this made me red I felt bad for slapping my bestfriend and not letting her explain. Also he likes me I was just in shock not knowing what to say so I just left him in read and turned off my phone till the next day

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