Another Saturday wasted

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Jasmines Pov
Its Saturday , I havent done anything  , I havent spoke to Derek. I decided to text him like nothing ever happened but it did .

Jasmine: hey.
D: hey
J: Hows it going luv?
D: horrible i havent done anything for days :/
J: i was unaware of that , i thought youd be with your "friend"
D: i wasnt , i dont even like her like that.
J: i mean idk i like you like that :/
D: I like you like that to but i thought you didnt wanna mess with me for that anymore 😪
J: i didnt , but i miss you .
D: I miss you to baby .
J: Why didnt we do this earlier instead of wasting a Saturday .
D: Well i mean its 7 I can go pick you up and we can go do sum
J: Im kinda tired you wanna just come over and watch a movie?
D: Im on my way
-------------- End of convo
Well that went better than I anticipated. I go downstairs and clean up the living room a bit and put Mean Girls in the dvr 😂 hes gonna hate me.
I changed into my old black adidas sweats and a white crop top. I hear the doorbell ring and let him in . "Hey i brought candy and popcorn" he said as soon as he comes in . I tell him to sit on the couch while i make the popcorn. He goes and sits on the couch and I turn the movie on with the remote he immediatly says "OH GOD WHYYY"  i laughed and came to sit down with him. The whole movie he laughs because hes never seen it. I got really tired and layed my head on his chest. The movie ended and I said " lets go up to my room"  he followed me and we just layed on my bed talking for hours , then we started kissing which then turned into a rough makeout but eventually i just fell asleep on him.

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