Coming out

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Jared's Pov
As I sat there crying not knowing if I was ready for this. "Okay listen to me and listen to me good when I tell u this I don't know how your going to react but i really hope u don't judge me. I like Derek. Like like him. I have a crush on Derek. And Desi. I don't what to do anymore. My parents would never except me for who I am and they will never understand. You won't understand, ever since I was little I always knew I was treated differently. My parents always told me I had to be perfect, if I ever lost a game or failed a test the would tell me I was a failure and that I wasn't good enough. I remember crying myself to sleep at night at the age of 8. I never knew why I wasn't good enough. One day I failed a test and my mom beat me. She told the school I was sick but I wasn't I was recovering from being beaten

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