For once

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Jared's pov
After telling Desi I liked her I felt happiness for once. I knew she liked someone else but after all things change. I was tired at that point I had cried my eyes out and I had a little headache. "Hey wanna go to the movies" Desi asked "ugh yeah I'll text jazmi-, "no just us" she said. I ofc agreed. We went to watch a scary movie and after I walked her home. "Well today was lit" I said "yup" she said, there was such and awkward silence I didn't know what to say. "Well I better go inside it's pretty late" she said. But as she was walking in i don't know what happened but i grabbed her and kissed her. "My parents aren't home want to come in and hangout for a bit" she asked. I said yeah and we hung out for a little she ended up falling asleep on me. I was tired to so I fell asleep

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