Crushing to hard?

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Desis Pov
   I'm in my feelings to deep I meet him one second, the next second he's ditching classes for me , next second I talk to him and realize I'm never gonna have a chance . He started talking to other people and soon came out with "I have a girlfriend that I don't wanna be with" I was lowkey sad and really mad I invited him to seat with my and my friends at lunch on Monday he said yes and winked really awkwardly. I want him to like me , but I also realized how much he flirts and how unloyal he is.I just want to be wanted I guess .I mean I don't want to wait as long as Jazmine did for Derek but I don't want it to happen to fast ,I soon start to fall asleep while thinking
Its Sunday and I still haven't talked to Jazmine so I decided to text her
Convo: J=Jazmine D=Desi
D: Hey Bestfriend
J:Hey loser
D: are we good?
J:yeah but I need help I did something I shouldn't have
D:ok what is it
J: *leaves Desi on read*
End of convo
Well ok then how rude *someone knocks on the door* "Oh hey Jared" I said "Hey can I come in" "sure" oh lord he was so cute I don't know how I just realized this I mean we have been friends forever but wow I've never really looked at his face like this. He starts to waves his hands around saying "hellloooo earth to desiii." I soon snapped out of it and brang him to my room. I said what's up and he said "nothing I just missed you haha" he started to hug me and I just kissed him-on the forehead don't trip hehe "So what you been up to" he said " nothing just sleeping tbh" i said as I laid on my side facing him still  I started to giggle and just said "your really cute haha" he made a funny face and laid on his side next to me then I put my hand on his face and said "I invited that boy from Tuesday don't be mean!" I let go of his face and he said "as long as he's not mean to you were cool I guess"

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