September 1st

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Jazmine pov
Getting suspended wasn't the best but two days wasn't that bad. Now back at school Friday September 1st. Facing my fear of seeing Derek after never responding. I like him a lot but I'm scared , my only relationship was in 7th grade for 3 days. I have always waited for Derek and now he likes me, could my life get any better. Walking into first period, in which I sit next to Derek, I didn't say a word I just sat down and could feel him staring at me. For the first time I didn't want to talk to him, I was just to scared. "Hey Jaz". I was scared I didn't no what to say "uhh hey what's up", I said. It was awkward for the longest time until after class. He said he had a surprise for me. I continued throughout the day to ask him what it was but he never answered. Last period came and ended, he came up to me after class and walked me to my car he told me to wait for him and when he came back he walked up with roses and a card. "Will you be my girlfriend"?

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