Woah woah woah buddy

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Derek's Pov
Welp there goes my happiness , Jazmine texted me saying she doesn't think we should've together or at least that it isn't the best idea this was on Friday ,it's Sunday night and I can't believe I already blew it but you know what I'm not gonna let it slide that easy. I'm going to her house with a ring I kinda bought for her to ask her out with but then it was a little to extra.I start getting ready to go and got in my car and drove there .Once I got there I went to her window and knocked on it. She opened the window and I said "You thought you could get rid of me that easy huh?"  She stood quiet and I asked if I could come in. She said yea I came in and sat on her bed. " so um why isn't it the best idea for us to be together?" I blurted. She still stood quiet and I looked at her  and said "look it's been like half a day,if you didn't like me in the first place why did you say yes?". "Cause I did like you for a long time but I don't know if I'm ready," she said " Well maybe we can work it out." She just shrugged and said " that's what they all say and I always get hurt in the end" I sat there kind of hurt because she thinks I would actually hurt her. I stood in front of her and got on one knee and pulled out the ring I soon began with "Jazmine I love you , and with this ring is my promise to you I will never hurt or lie to you" I slid the ring on her finger and  she started to smile "oh lord I thought you were gonna propose to me I was thinking like woah woah buddy hold on there" I laughed and kissed her on the cheek "I think I should get going" I said and as I was going to go through her window she said "well I mean you can sleep over it's kinda late." I looked at her and said ok and I pulled out her air mattress I fell asleep almost instantly.

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