Broken and confused

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Desis Pov
I just got into a fight with Jared wow I never thought I would say that. I feel bad for popping off on him but he always does this to me I left him but thirty minutes later I came back except this time Jazmine was there so I didn't want to interrupt I went back home and then when school was over I walked there to see Louie.i seen him and told him I was sorry about how Jared was acting earlier . He said it was fine and asked if I was going to his party I told him maybe and this kid really tried to hold my hand ,he kept trying for awhile and eventually let him.I wasn't going farther than that .I walked him home and walked back to the park to see if Jared was still there. He was,I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder because his head was down. He looked up then quickly looked down. I sat next to him and said I'm sorry .He didn't reply.I lifted his face up and said "I said I'm sorry can u please at least look at me" He again did not reply I started hugging him and saying i love you stop being mad at me. He said "I love you to but I'm still frustrated" in the lowest voice possible. Why? I said He said "because I feel like when Louie starts to like you ,you'll forget about me" I soon replied with "oh my god Jared I'll never forget about you and he will never like me." He said "and why tf wouldn't he" I said because he just won't and he said "well it's ok because I like you"

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