chapter 19 - A Curious Thing

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Flashback - One Year Ago

Enchanted Forest

Day - Road

Dragon!Saphira and Dragon!Mathias were flying Belle, Tori, Alcina, Freya, Jefferson, Grace and Lisa through the forest at top speed.

Dark Palace

Regina, Emma, Snow and David were waiting for them, having an argument, with Aurora and Philip present.

"You've gathered the entire kingdom for this?" Emma asked. "There's two wicked witches out there, just waiting to pounce, and pretending otherwise would be dangerous."

"There's nothing dangerous about rallying our people," David told them.

"You're announcing you're pregnant," Regina told them. "It's not like you invented the wheel."

The Matthews, Hatters, Alcina and Belle walked in.

"What's this?" David asked.

Snow sighed in relief to see them, going over to hug her best friend. "Freya."

"Are you okay?" Emma asked. "When you and Neal disappeared, we feared the worst."

"We went off to see if we could revive the Dark One," Mathias explained.

"What happened?" Regina asked.

"Neal was able to resurrected him," Alcina answered sadly. "At the cost of his own life."

Regina was pleased. "Rumple's alive."

Snow was shocked. "Neal is dead?"

"I think so," Lisa answered.

"To which?" David asked.

"Both," Lisa answered. "You see, when Rumple saw that Neal as dying, he absorbed him."

"Zelena and Faye got hold of the dagger," Grace explained. "Now, they control Grandpa."

Aurora gave Philip a worried look. "Maybe now isn't the time to announce the pregnancy. Regina and Emma are right. It's too dangerous."

"No, if we don't, we give into fear," Snow told them. "But if we do, we give the kingdom what they need. Hope."

"We don't even know what these witches want," David told them.

"Actually, we do," Aurora told them. "They want your baby."

"They came to us when you were gone, threatened us and our unborn child, unless we told her when you arrived in our land," Philip explained.

"They think your baby could be important," Aurora told them. "I'm so sorry. They said they'd hurt us."

Startled by a gush of wind, they turned around. Dragon!Faye flew in with Zelena, returning to human form with a swirl of blue/green smoke.

Zelena looked at Aurora and Philip. "And we make good on our promises."

Aurora and Philip backed away in fear, but Zelena engulfed both of them in green smoke, transforming them into flying monkeys. They both shrieked and flew away.

"What do you want with the baby?" Jefferson asked.

"Calm down, Jefferson," Faye told him. "You don't want your madness to send Snow into early labor."

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