chapter 21 - Snow Drifts

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From 3.20 "Kansas", in the warehouse, Emma, Ella, Mathias, Saphira, Freya, Regina, Alcina, Rose and Grace used light magic against Zelena and Faye. Regina and Alcina's magic, once they had used light magic, changed from black to dark blue.

Freya/Priscilla: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time)."

Alcina removed Zelena's pendant, while Saphira removed Faye's, thus removing their magic. Together, Freya, Emma, Ella, Regina, Rose, Grace, Saphira, Mathias and Alcina could close the time traveling portal.

Faye: (voice over from 3.20 Kansas) "We're powerless now. Regina and Alcina, Tori, Saphira and Mathias have our pendants."

From 3.20 "Kansas", in the hospital room, Emma, Ella, Henry and Rose were with David, Snow and the baby, all of them smiling happily.

From 3.20 "Kansas", in the hospital hallway, Henry and Lisa were talking.

"Has your power returned, now that Zelena and Faye have been defeated?" Henry asked.

"No," Lisa answered.

From 3.20 "Kansas", in the Sheriff's station, Zelena and Faye were in the cell.

"You can't kill us, Rumple," Zelena told him. "We saw Lisa give your dagger to Freya, Regina and Alcina."

Gold nodded. "They gave it to Belle."

"If Aunt Belle has the dagger, you'll have to do what she wishes," Faye told him.

"But she doesn't," Gold told them, taking out the dagger. Zelena and Faye quickly stood, backing away. "Belle has a fake."

Now in the cell, Gold stabbed Faye in the heart to make Zelena watch as he killed her, then stabbed Zelena, instantaneously using magic, transforming them into porcelain dolls. When he removed the knives, the porcelain dolls shattered.

Gold: (voice over from 3.20 Kansas) "I swore to you that I would make you suffer like you made me and my family suffer, and the only way to make you suffer is to kill your daughter like you killed my son, even if you are Belle and Alcina's niece, Faye."

From 3.20 "Kansas", in the warehouse, the residual magic filled in the slots of the structure, triggering the time portal.

ღ Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) ღ

Flashback 1 - 18 Years Ago


Day - Happy Cottage Children's Home - Outside

A little girl was handed a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy by her new adoptive parents, waving goodbye to the other children before going into the couple's car to go to her new home.

The woman who ran the home began to usher the children back inside. "All right, everyone, back inside. It's almost dinner time." Last to leave were an 11 year old Emma, and a 10 year old Ella, who continued to stare longingly as the car drove away. "Don't worry, Emma. You and Ella will find a home, too."



Day One

Morning - Charming Loft

Emma and Ella were lost in thought as Snow and David were spending time with their newborn son. Rose was nearby.

Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now