Tainted Silver - Tricking Lothor

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When Sophia arrives on Lothor's ship she feels different, almost like Lothor's spell is warring off. When Lothor, Mara, and Kapri see Sophia leaving the ship, Mara and Kapri have a smile on their faces. Back in Blue Bay Harbor, Hunter begins to wake up. He then sees Sophia Ninja Streaking to the highest mountain in Blue Bay Harbor.

"Guys Sophia's heading to the mountain. I'm going after her," Hunter says as he Ninja Streaks after Sophia.

When Hunter sees Sophia trying to get into the mountain, he says, "Sophia look at me. You need to break Lothor's spell. I know you can do it my little cheetah. Come on". When Sophia hears what Hunter is saying, Lothor's spell is broken and Sophia turns back to normal.

"Hunter what happened to me?" Sophia asks.

"You were under Lothor's spell. If it weren't for me, you'd still be under his control. So you know about the battlizers and the zord," Hunter answers.

"Yeah, I've known about it for years," Sophia says.

"Let's take this one step at a time though," Hunter says.

Sophia opens up the door to the hidden chamber using her ninja powers. They walk inside the cave and up to a podium in the middle of the cave floor. They see spaces for their ninja disks. They remove them from their morphers, and place them in the slots. A panel opens up revealing the battlizers and the new zord power disk. After Sophia picks up the disk for the anaconda zord and hidden door opens up. They turn around to see the giant snake.

"Woah, that thing is massive," Hunter says.

"How about we take it back to the city and destroy Disinterested Immolator once and for all." Sophia says.

Hunter nods. They leave the mountain cave and head back to the city. Back in the city the ranger watch helplessly from the ground as their city is being destroyed.

"Cyber Cam, please tell me that you've fixed the zords enough that we can use them?" Shane asks.

"Sorry dudes," Cyber Cam says.

The rangers look up and see the anaconda zord enter and they hear Disinterested Immolator laugh evilly seeing his new sidekick. Inside the cockpit Sophia and Hunter are using their ninja powers to control the zord.

"Hey Hunter, you ready to surprise Disinterested Immolator by showing him that this zord is fighting for the other side," Sophia asks.

"Yup," Hunter says.

Two laser blasts shoot front the Anaconda's fangs. Disinterested Immolator flies backwards as the blasts hit him. The other rangers are completely shocked at what they see.

"Is Sophia back on our side or something," Dustin asks.

Disinterested Immolator gets back to his feet. He charges in towards the zord. Sophia uses her controls to wrap the Anaconda long body around Disinterested Immolator. It struggles to get free. After Sophia squeezes Disinterested Immolator for a few minutes she tosses it back towards the center of the battle field. They use their power disk to call on a new power sphere to finish Disinterested Immolator off. The sphere becomes a lightning whip. The whip wraps around the zord. Hunter and Sophia use the rest of their ninja powers to launch this next attach. The rangers watch as a huge bolt of lightning is fired from the zord fangs and hits Disinterested Immolator and it explodes. The zord goes back to its hiding place and Sophia and Hunter exit the cockpit. They see Hunter and Sophia in human form walking hand in hand. The rangers demorph and run over to them.

"I don't believe my eyes," Shane says.

"Well I'll be. Hunter really did it," Tori says.

"No Hunter and Sophia did it together," Blake says.

When Sophia has a smile on her face she says, "I'm sorry about before. I guess I didn't know how powerful I was".

"It's okay Sophia. I'm just glad to have my little cheetah back,"  Hunter says.

"Hunter you finally came up with a cute nickname for me. It sure took you long enough. Last one at Ninja Ops has to cook dinner and clean the zords for a week," Sophia says.

"Oh you're on," Hunter says.

Hunter and Sophia race back to Ninja Ops where they are the first one's there. Blake and Tori tie in last place.

"I guess this means Blake and Tori have to cook dinner and clean the zords together for a week," Hunter and Sophia say.

"I guess so," Tori says.

"But I get to do it with a pretty girl," Blake says.

"Knock it off," Tori says.

"I mean it Tori," Blake says.

Back on Lothor's ship, Lothor is very mad and angry.

"How did she break the spell?" Lothor asks.

"Uncle, Mara and I did it. We saw that Sophia still had some good in her, so we destroyed the mind control system forever," Kapri says.

"Go to your rooms, I'll punish you two later," Lothor says.

At Ninja Ops Sophia and Hunter have a moment alone.

"I'm really sorry Hunter. I shouldn't have let Lothor take me. What happened to you and the others was all my fault. I'm not really cut out to be a ranger," Sophia says sadly.

"Don't say that. You're a strong, graceful, and beautiful young lady and an excellent ranger. You shouldn't put yourself down like that," Hunter says.

Hunter leans in slowly. Sophia feels their lips touch a few seconds later. Sophia's heart was racing so fast that it causes her to close her eyes. She feels Hunter wraps his arm around her waist to pull her in towards him. Sophia was so lost in the moment she starts to run her fingers through his hair. Sasha pulls up one of Cam's outdoor security cameras.

"Oh my god, they kissed each other on the lips. I thought I've seen it all," Blake says.

"Knock it off. They love each other, that's what counts," Sasha says.

Sophia and Hunter walk back into Ninja Ops to see their friends talking.

"What's going on in here," Hunter asks.

"We all saw you two love birds have a romantic moment right outside of Ninja Ops," Sasha says.

"Seriously," Sophia says.

Sophia starts to blush. Sasha walks over to her. She puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about sis. We all know that you two love each other." Sasha says.

"When are you going to tell Dustin how you feel about him?" Sophia asks.

Sasha uses her hand to quickly cover her little sister's mouth.

That's none of your business Soph. Sasha thinks.

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