Chapter 5: Please Let Me See Him Again

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Chapter 5: Please Let Me See Him Again

Ok, so maybe I was up all night long checking and rechecking my cell phone for a message from you-know-who. I sware, every time I checked it my hopes went down lower and lower. I even cried a little. Now before you judge, wouldn't you, too if you texted your favourite celebrity and they never responded all night? Yes, that's right. He never responded all night.

It is 6:15 and I am currently awake from my "sleep" last night and getting ready for my part time job at Starbucks. Although to most people it might seem like a lovely job because you get to find out what all the recipies are and such, but to be honest with you, it's rather boring to make all those coffees all day long on a sixhour shift. I will go to classes at the community college in September, when shcool starts again, but right now it is the start of summer break for me and I just graduated from High School in June.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I threw on the first T-shirt that I could find in my closet. Jesus, it was a Black Veil Brides one. That's depressing. I then jumped into my dark denim skinny jeans, drew on some eyeliner around the top lash line, and did my hair in a quick messy bun. I didn't have much time to wash my hair. I hauled my socks on and made my way to the kitchen area to grab a bite to eat.

Hanna was getting in the shower when I passed the bathroom. I could tell because I heard the water running. Well, that would be a perfectly good indicator that she was in the shower! Then, suddenly, I thought of something completely random. I wonder what it would be like to share an apartment with Andy. I wonder how it would feel to pass the bathroom and know that he was in the shower. What would living with him be like?

Then, I got mad at myself for thinking that and imagining something that is entirely unreal and will never happen.

I never thought of sharing an apartment with someone else other than Hanna because she was a bad room-mate, or, well, apartment-mate. In fact, she was an excellent one! I have no idea why having another apartment-mate crossed my mind. It's not like anyone else could be as nice, supporting, and respond to my texts like Hanna does.

I settled for a muffin that Hanna and I made not yesterday but the day before that. They were our favourite; banana nut!

In the middle of making instant coffee in my favourite Winnie The Pooh mug was when I heard a ring from my phone.

i jumped out of my skin for a second and then cooled it seconds later. With my luck, it was probably my phone company informing me on the most recent deals in-store. That's just what I've been up all night for.

Despite my doubts, I couldn't resist the immediate urge to unlock my phone and open the message.

Andy: Hey, Jospehine! I am SOO sorry that I never repsonded to your text last night! I fell asleep as soon as I got home last night. I don't expect my excuse to change anything, but it's the truth. I had a long day yesterday with the concert and everything. Again, I appologize. Are you still going to show me around town when you get off work? -Andy

I almost dropped my phone into my coffee.


I feel so bad that I fell asleep and never texted back Jospehine last night. She probably hates me now. That was a sin what I did. But I never meant to! It looks like I ignored her! She is a fan of mine. Way to let her down!

I sat on the bed in the hotel room and held my phone in my hand, looking at the message I'd just sent over and over again, sulking about the huge flop I made last night. I am such a... such a...

Then my phone rang it's familiar bell ring tone. It was Josephine! She responded right away unlike what I did last night. She responded to me even after I never responded to her. She was good to me.

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