Chapter 18: Stage

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Chapter 18: Stage

Andy's POV:

So I took Josephine to Denny's and held the door and the chair open for her. I love going out of my way to help her.

She mentioned once again that she was nervous, so I did my best to calm her and sooth her.

Aside from that, we both ate steak dinners and chatted the whole time. I feel like I know Jospehine so well now.

At the end of the meal, I offered to pay for her meal. At first, she was hesitant, but then she gave in and let me pay for it. She's really nervous and, like I said, I want to help her in any way I can!

We took a cab back to the tour bus to get ready. I forewarned Josephine that it would take a while for me to get my shit together and get ready with a touch of makeup (not as much as I used to wear, I'll admit) and get my outfit ready. It takes time to perfect perfection, I tell you. Joking... joking! The reality is that I get really distracted. I guess to my ADHD, but I always talk to other people around or stare at some random object and get so completely side-tracked...

So she helped me get ready for... Hmmm... Say about a hour. I know... I know...

Then, she got ready as well and stuff. I'm not really sure what it is girls do... So I can't really say much about that!XD

When we were done, I grabbed her hand and we followed Ashely, CC, Jake, and Jinxx who followed our tour manager to the stage area

Josephine's POV:

Andy's smooth, familiar hand had a firm grasp to mine and I instantly felt at ease.

His tall, slender figure walked ahead of me in the accumulating darkness of the early evening.

When we arrived at the back of the a tall, dark building structure (which I assume was the back of the stage Andy was talking about), we walked up these steep steps and then it was all pitch black for a second. There was a curtain to my left side and I didn't know where I was going.

"Why is it so dark?" I asked Andy.

And then we walked a little further and I saw dim lighting behind a curtain along my side. I realized that this was the backstage area. There was a nice few people standing around in little groups down the hallway type thing that was behind the stage backdrop.

That's when I saw a peek of no backdrop and there was A HUGE CROWD. I've never seen anything like it before and it was facing our direction as we passed them. Holy crap! Now that I knew exactly where I was the stage seemed so much bigger...

"Whoa." I said in spite of myself.

"I know." Andy smiled excitedly at me.

I had that bad feeling in my stomach again and I got all queasy.

Andy grabbed a sheet of paper from some man and I trailed beside him, our hands still linked. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, sheltering me so that he could pull out the paper and show me, too.

"This is the band scedule. We are number five and you're just before us."

At least we were not first, that's all I got to say!


After sitting anxiously, aniticpated for my turn to go on that... Huge... Stage, it was finally time to go up to that... Huge... Stage.

One of those professional-looking people with sheets in the general backstage area informed me that it was time for me to go onstage. That's how I knew. It was a crabby-looking lady.

I sat up out of my seat and looked down at Andy who was sitting in his chair. He smiled warmly at me and had gleaming eyes.

"It'll be fine, my darling, I love you. I know you'll do well." He took my hand in his one more time, and it brushed away in a second as soon as the lady clearness her throat rudely, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the floor. So much sass. Then again, I don't really have much time to waste at a moment like this.

I followed the lady into the dim lighting just before that peek of crowd that we'd passed earlier. Damn. That was so scary. I have to go up there! We were about five strides away from there!

Let me describe to you how I was feeling. My heart raced and pumped in my ears as the blood flow whooshed around inside me, causing me to feel really overwhelmed and intense.

I got really scared that the same thing that happened when I'd first met Andy would happen again.

And that's when I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. In and out. It wasn't doing ANYTHING to calm me. My anxiety was raging through me. I was massively dizzy and nauseous. And then, I opened my eyes. I was staring straight at one of the most least expected sights ever.


And that's the end of this chapter!

I just love cliff-hangers, don't you?! :))

Its a love-hate thing for me, except when I'm writing them, of course >:)

Listening to:

Raising Hell by: Bullet For My Valentine


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