Chapter 21: Oh, mother dearest

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Chapter 21: Oh, mother dearest

Andy's POV:
Wow. My amazing girlfriend has accepted my proposal. We are now officially engaged. This feels great and my mind is already racing with thoughts about what will soon become of us. My head is filled with so many ideas for the future.

She grabbed my arm tightly.
"Come on! Let's go find my mom!" She called out to me.

I snapped out of my day dreams to be reminded of reality. Her mom who abandoned her was randomly here. I, too would like to know why that despicable woman is here to taunt and fret my angel once again.

"Ok, follow me!" I responded.

I led her down that staircase I said we would go down and then we were on the bottom of the stage, just where the crowd was.

The crowd on my side screamed out stuff when we passed them. Girls were almost in tears and pretty much everyone was trying to talk to me and get my attention, not to be cocky about it. That's just the way it was for me. I normally talk to my fans when they talk to me but this time I just responded with a tired "I'm sorry but... I can't talk right now..."

It came out more dramatic than expected...

Then we walked along the edge of the crowd and saw her mom trotting through the crowd, excusing herself around people so it seemed. She ended up on the very edge of the crowd and then had said something to the guard on the edge that made him eventually let her out of barrier.

I saw the look on Jo's face. It was not a nice face. It was the look of distress. Her eyes were glossy. I leaned in and kissed her forehead quickly... Ever so slightly...

"You wanna go talk to her?" I asked quietly.

"Yes." She straightened up. "Let's go."

I think I heard her say 'I can do this' very quietly, but I'm not completely sure.

My poor baby girl...

Watching her walk to her mom trough the entanglement of people in what seemed like slow motion made me nervous and naucois. Whatever her mom did it must have been pretty bad.

I trailed after her and watched as she greeted her mom with a signal for her to follow her. I followed them into the bottom of the stage where there was another staircase.

They stopped in a open space at the end of the staircase where there was just a bunch of equipntment and loose chords.

"Josephine. It's been a long time my girl."

"Why did you leave me?" Josephine asked straight up.

Jo's POV:

"Because I knew you could do fine without me and you were capable of handling yourslef." My bitch of a mother said to me.

"What?! That doens't mean that you should just... abandon me! You didn't even leave me with a single penney to support myself! I had to go and live with my friends for the longest time! What is your problem? How could I support myself when you never gave me any money for college or to get a apartment. You make me sick." I yelled back at her.

I didn't intend to burst out like that, but all the emotions I've been building up inside just exploded out of me in a complete rush. Andy was holding onto my arm as I screeched, a sign of concern and support.

"You really need to forgive and forget, and stop keeping this up, Jospehine, seriously, you always were a spaz."

"YOU LEFT ME ALONE WOTH NO MONEY 'MOM'! THE ONLY ONE WHO REALLY IS HETE FOR ME IS ANDY HERE, MY BOYFRIEND. YOU NEVER WERE... that's... pretty sad. And guess what? I've developed so many problems because of all that you've done to me. Honestly, if you think I'll take you back as a mother again, you're fucked."

"Nice to hear." She responded saucily.

"It's fucking true, bitch."

Then mom did what she always did and that was attempt to throw her water bottle (or whatever she had in her hands, one time it was a stapler) she was holding at me. She missed, thankfully, and I looked around to see if anyone saw.

Thank god someone saw. It was one of the concert guards. He directed my mom and escorted her out of the building. That stupid bitch better not ever come back to me. I told her that, too. I said "If you try and come near me I'll press charges.".

Andy was with me on this and by my side the whole time.

And at the end of the day I am so happy and proud of myself for finally standing up to that woman. I didn't even do so when I was kicked out of the house. Dumb asshole.

Authors note:

Hey guys! Finally this chapter is done haha took a while to update, sorry :/ anyways, I would of kept up a bigger fight or created a bigger scandal, but I think that's good enough, you know, kicked out of the house, with no money for education and then she finally stood up to her mom. I think that's pretty good :) *clap clap*?

Haha, anyways love you guys for reading , it's getting more and more popular every day . Share with yo peeps if they like Andy Biersack and BVB :) they would like this story I think !

Listening to:
1. Let You Down by BVB and:
2. Let You Down (BVB piano cover) by: Piano Tribute Players

It's really good, you can find it on iTunes!

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