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"I'm a JEON!!! and I can take whatever I want or whoever he is... Even he's the precious son of the PARK'S"


Ebony the blinding darkness welcomed his blurry vision, despite of his numerous attempts squinting his eyes to get a least a glimpse of his surroundings, just to try to figure out where he was, he failed, and all he could see was black, pitch black.

He held his hand out blindly and started to feel around himself. The soft fabric under his fingertips and the soft squeaking sounds of the spring when he moves... Bed maybe someone lay there while he is unconscious.

He starts to panic when realization hit him, closing his eyes as he tried to remember what happened earlier, and the more he tried, the more painful the dull ache in his head grew, threatening his consciousness. He curled his body to a ball, frustrated and confused. Maybe if he made enough noise, someone would hear and come to him. He tried to scream for help; but his throat, dry and hoarse, it only added to his pain. His last resort was trying to move, through the pain and soreness, and try to get out of that place.

He slowly and carefully moved his left leg, successfully setting it down on the cold and hard floor, then he tried to move even farther, but he was being stopped by a weight he hadn't felt before. He tried again, and he heard a soft rattle. his hand flew to his ankle as he felt the cool metal on his fingers, realizing he is chained at one of the legs of the bed.

Despite the restraints, he still moved his leg and stood up, in utter darkness and tried to feel his way around silently, trying to find a wall he could lean on or a door. But when he was still grasping the air, he heard the sound of locks clicked. He froze and his heart skipped a beat, hearing the creaking sound.

He'd expected a light, or some sort of fire or even a flashlight. But there was nothing, and he was still in the darkness, eventhough he knew the door was opened and he heard footsteps.

"W--who's there? "

He whispered, barely audible as he started to feel anxious and his lips began to trembled in fear. That, is when he heard footsteps, slowly but firmly approaching him.

"who are you?
why you doing this to me?
I think you took the wrong person."

His bombarding question must have amused whoever was with him in the darkness, He heard a light, mocking chuckle, and to his horror the sound was so close to him.

"You're Jimin, Park Jimin, I know you are, so no, I didn't,"

His body shuddered at the man voice, it was familiar, so familiar. As if he had heard it many times before. Yet, he still couldn't tell where, or to whom it belonged.

"Wha--what do you want from me? " he speak bravely, using his last bits of courage to speak up,

The unknown man, made an indignant sound, seeming offended by the latter's question. And even in the darkness, the trembling boy could tell, that the man had a sinister smile on his face.

"What do I want from you?"

The man cupped the latter's face, make him flinch at the sudden contact, then, within a split moment, he had his mouth right next to the latter's ear, so close that his breath blew into it, as he whispered in a dark and dangerous voice.

"You ~~ I want you..."


Ayo Chinie's here! Rewriting this shitty story...

Just a reminder English isn't my first language so probably you will see grammatical error and misspelled...

I only write for fun and the share the imagination I have inside my green head, so don't expect perfect and polish work from me...

Enjoy rereading this...

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