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When Love turned Fear...


The warm rays of the sun peeking out in the window pane hits his pale skin, his closed eyes twitched at the contact as a soft groaned pass through his chapped lips while his small body turned to the other side trying to avoid the warm rays. A soft groaned left his lips again, nose scrunched, eyebrows narrowed together as he felt a cold touch on his face his lashes flickered as he opened his eyes slowly.

"good morning..."

The familiar raspy voice greeted him as his vision welcomed by a blurry figure that's so familiar to him, he blinked his eyes multiple times adjusting at the morning light the lighting the room. And there it is again the familiar but frightening cold touch contacted on his skin; his body flinched to its own accord he tried to back away but a strong slender arms wounded around his waist preventing him to draw distance between them.

"you're shaking..."

The man speaks once again sending million shivers in his spine, his eyes screw shut involuntarily fear slowly eat his consciousness, body began to tremble as the man pulled him closer.

"what's wrong baby? You're shaking..."

The man asked in concern, but even how soft the voice is, how's genuine concern lingered into it, fear is the only feeling he feels towards the other statement. The man pulled him even closer enveloping him in the warm hug, he feels nothing but anxiety upon the gentle action.


He voiced out in shaky voice made the said man hushed him caressing his soft locks while rubbing soothing circles on his back, jimin tried to clear up his mind pushing aside the anxiety that engulfing his entire system. His small hands clutched at the blanket enduring the suffocation he felt.

"I'm sorry..."

Taehyung uttered softly sincerity lingering into it, but all the words rolling out in the older's mouth is only giving the younger anxiety and pulling the younger male in the depth of dread. Jimin tried his best to set aside the negative feeling he has, recalling all the happy times he had with the older male, but it seems all the happy memories he has with the older becomes blurry and the only memory remain clear is the event in that night, the night when his purity stained and his innocence stole away from him leading him to fall in the world of the sinner.

Taehyung hug him even more when he notices the younger trembling body.

"I'm sorry..."

He said once again, he knows what the latter feeling right now. He knows the younger shaking because of him, because of fear towards him. He can't blame him, but he can't blame himself either. The things he did to the younger is a punishment because of his infidelity, it was both right and wrong in his way of reasoning ⸺right because the younger has another man and wrong because of how rough he was, but all and all he really doesn't have any remorse towards that action ⸺honestly, he enjoyed every second, minute of it especially when he saw his cum along with the younger's blood oozing out in the younger abused hole.

Jimin out of feared just nodded his head and didn't uttered another word just snuggling on taehyung's chest trying to find safety in the older male's arms. Closing his eyes falling in a deep slumber once again.


"Mr. J your father is here."

Jungkook train of thoughts cut off when one of his men enquired his father's unexpected visit, he nodded his head giving his permission to let the said man in.

"you don't look good did something happen?"

"good morning to you too"

Jungkook greeted ignoring his father statement, Mr. Jeon just sigh at his son arrogancy.

"what brings you here?"

Jungkook added made the elder rolled his eyes mentally, it's always like that nothings new he was used at his son cold demeanor towards him, but deep inside the elder he still hoping the younger treat him as a father once again.


Mr. Jeon couldn't believe how his son demeanor suddenly change because of the name that left his mouth, the once not interested Jungkook become interested or we can say that all of the latter's attention is on his father now, Mr. Jeon shake his mentally doesn't know if he'll laugh at his son's face right now. It's like a child face that eagerly waiting for something. He took a deep breath before uttering the words.

"I'll help you to get him⸺"

Jungkook eyes twinkled when those words lefts his father mouth.

"⸺but in one condition..."

Mr. Jeon added, the once happy face turned sour, scowling more like doesn't like the word condition in his father added statement.

"what it is?"

The statement is full of dominance and Mr. Jeon can say that the latter don't like the idea of his statement but need to do it to confirm his son real intention to his friend youngest son.

"don't treat him like one yo⸺"

His words cut off when the younger slammed his hands on the wooden table made the elder flinch in surprise too. A murderous glare bore into him when he glances at the younger, Jungkook jaw clenched along with his hands and Mr. Jeon can say that he triggered something, that he pulled a string unknowingly to make the younger mad at him.

"how many times I need to tell you don't compare him to my toys! They are nothing! And jimin is my very thing! He is my world! And even you don't help me I still find a way to make him mine! And just MINE alone!"

Jungkook growled face turned red in anger, Mr. Jeon can't help to shivered at his son statement it's to possessive in his liking, and he never saw his son become this furious like this.

Is he really made a right decision to help his son?

Or he only makes another mistake out of it?

Mr. Jeon having a mental confliction misses his son terrifying statement.

" can go now and forget the idea of helping me, I can get him without a help from anyone."

Jungkook said signaling one of his men inside the room to escort his father which complied by the elder without uttering any words, maybe because he knows that his words is no use at all, with a heave sigh Mr. Jeon left the room.


It's almost noon when jimin woke up in his deep slumber unlike earlier the other side of the bed is empty now made him sigh in relief, he slowly sat up glancing outside the window the weather is nice, warm but the latter felt nothing but coldness. Then shiver shot straight through jimin's spine when the event from the last night flashed in his vision.

He cries, he begged but it seems taehyung didn't hear him, like that night he felt so used, he felt like he was just an object, a pleasurable toy for the older that night and last night. Tears starts to swell in the corners of his eyes, lips quivered, trembling hands clutched in the sheet as his tears starts to roll down on his cheeks.

"is it possible? That love can turn into fear..."

The latter murmur tears falling like waterfalls. 

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