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Jungkook clenched his fist in anger, image of taehyung and jimin flashed in his vision. He hated it ─the way jimin smile at taehyung; the way he comfort the other male, how he caressed taehyung’s hair ─shushed him and above all, how he place a quick peck on the male's crown. It really pissed him off, especially when taehyung did his move! wrapping around his filthy arms around his jimin’s tiny waist pulling the younger close to him leaving no space. Snuggling his dirty face and nose to his baby doll’s neck, he wants to blow taehyung’s head at that very moment ─but then luck comes his way from bringing his sanity back and didn’t lose his mind completely.

Reminding himself that the two is actual brothers and that’s gestures are only brotherly loved. Nothing else…

He sighs deeply calming himself, “call lisa,” he said to one of his men that immediately flew his way out to call the said girl. At the time there is only one thing Jungkook wanted to know, and that is- if his jimin is in a commitment.

Ten minutes had passed and he grow impatiently, “how long that bitch wanted me to wait for her?!” he cursed under his breath ready to call another men to call his dear cousin, but before he could do the door creak open revealing the trembling girl ─biting her bottom lip. “oh! Finally you’re here!” he said in sarcasm made the poor girl flinch and trembled even more.

“you can leave us…” he said to his men gesturing to leave the room, before offering or more on demanding the girl to sit before  him. Lisa obeyed reluctantly with the trembling voice she asks Jungkook.

“why did you call me?” she asks bravely, made the other chuckled resting his chin on the back of his palm, leaning right way while his elbow resting on his clear glass table. Lisa lift her gaze and regret it immediately, Jungkook is staring at her with his dark eyes ─with a creepy smile plastered on his face.
“is that real or just an act?” he mocked, makes lisa’s lips quivered. “well, it’s not important ‘cuz either way you still my puppet and acting brave is no use… ” he added intense gaze never left lisa’s shaking figure.

“what do you want know?! I’ve already said everything I know…”

“not everything──” Jungkook said in deep eerie voice giving chills to the other. “tell me, is my baby doll is with someone?” his voice is to calm himself while letting out each words ─but when the last words slips his mouth his jaw clenched in anger, and that made lisa scared even more. Not for her but for his best friend, he avoided Jungkook gaze and; averted hers to her trembling hands that resting on her thighs.

“I don’t know… ” lisa mumbled weakly.

“really? You don’t know or ──”

“I swear! I didn’t know! All I know is ──” she paused battling in her thought if she spill everything she know, what will happen to jimin and to the people that seeking for the beauty boy attention ─she bit her lips trying the contemplate everything.

“all you know is what? Don’t make me wait my dear cousin…” Jungkook said leaning close, “…you know patience is not my virtue. It’s been what? Two, three weeks since you have fun with my men.” The words hit the poor girl like a truck, body shake vigorously in fear and disgust -that is the memory she wished to forget forever.

“li-like what I said I didn’t know, all I know is jimin have a lot of suitors ─but none of them got jimin’s attention. Even jimin talk to them and take their gifts politely ─he also rejected them in a nice way.” She mumbled tears keeps rolling down on her cheeks, she felt ashamed ─she despise her self on what she did; what kind of friend she is.

“is that so? So my baby doll is single?” Jungkook asked with a little smile but soon flattened when the girl before didn’t say a word.

“I’M ASKING YOU! IS MY BABY DOLL IS SINGLE!” Jungkook exclaimed slamming his palm on the table made lisa flinch on her seat.

“ye-yes. As far as I know.”

“good. You may leave now,” he said, lisa stands up hurriedly but before she can grab the knob. “…and starting today you will be my eye, you need to report to me ─every single detailed in my baby doll daily life, understood?” he added and only lisa can do is to nod and obey the evil words.


“tae! I can’t breathe!” jimin whined pushing the older but not literally in fact he is just acting -but the truth he enjoying it, how taehyung babied him, how taehyung wrap his arms around him and how the older engulf him in warmth and love. It only what? Six ─seven hours since they last saw each other but for him it feels like years, cliché yes but he can’t help it.

“I thought I gonna lose you baby…” taehyung murmurs hugging jimin tighter.

“aish! Stop crying and talking nonsense, I’m already here, in your arms safe and sound.” Jimin mumbled hugging back the older.

“I promise I will not tear my eyes off of you, when we were in a crowded place, ”

“ah! Stop it! If you won’t stop I will smack your head, its not your fault and maybe we can be thankful that Mr. Jeon is there to save me. ”

“Yah! How can you say that?! You really want to smack me? And NO! N to the O, I will not be thankful! Who knows, what if he is the real one that wants to abduct you?” taehyung groused, throwing words of accusations, well, who can blame him? He know how twisted jungkook’s mind nonetheless the other dark secret is not a secret to him.

“don’t be like that tae, maybe he is creepy sometimes but I can sense the kindness in him.” Jimin said positively, taehyung shake his head mentally jimin is too innocent, pure and kind that makes him think that every people around him had hidden kindness inside them ─that far in reality.

That even, how kind the person was deep inside them hiding the dark side waiting to unleash, but jimin is different to them ─to all of them. He is like a new born baby full of purity. But then brightness can bring you to darkness, and that was taehyung wanted to avoid ─jimin is like a bright light attracting the darkness to pull him by his side.

Sinful Obsession [VMinkook]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें