For a Moment, we Finally had her Back

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Todoroki didn't know why he went there. He'd found himself feeling angry again, even after 6 months, he wasn't sure what had set him off this time but something had and Midoriya had noticed. In fact, Midoriya had been the one to suggest this.

They'd walked into the prison during visiting hours after getting permission from their teacher and requested to see Hirota Dairoku, signing off on the necessary papers before walking to a room. Since his quirk did not increase his strength or cause damage to anything other than the minds of people, he was not currently being held in one of the higher security prisons, which made this much easier for the two boys as they walked up to a section of window and pulled out the phone, someone they hated sitting happily on the other side.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" the man asked, licking his chapped lips.

Todoroki didn't know how to answer.

"You miss it so much don't you? My creation, I didn't design it to make friends, you know."

Midoriya took Todoroki's clenched fist into his own scarred hand to keep him calm.

"She wasn't some invention of yours she was a person." Todoroki argued, keeping his voice cool.

"Potato, po-tah-to,"

"Don't you care? Even the slightest bit? Your 'greatest creation' is dead, doesn't that make you feel useless, like all your work was wasted?" the teen baited.

"I might if it were really dead."

Todoroki shook his head and Midoriya's hand tightened as he looked away, they weren't about to do this with a man who was clearly insane. Suzumi was dead, they'd both accepted it, it hadn't been easy but they had.

"She's gone Hirota, she's not coming back." It hurt less to say that these days.

"Then why can I still feel her?"

The boys didn't understand a word, what could he possibly mean?

"Those words are ingrained in the both of us, the poem, they tie us together and even now," he taps his head harder than he probably should have done, "I can feel her fighting,"

Todoroki shook his head again, standing to leave but the criminal wasn't done.

"How many portals did she open?"

It seemed like such a random question.

Since Todoroki had stood, Midoriya took the phone and gave the approximate answer, "About 700,"

The criminal hummed in thought, "But Suzumi's portals work in pairs, remember," he pointed out.

"So 1400."

"Ah, 1400," he paused, employing his usual flair for dramatics that had been wasting away for far too long, "and 1,"

Todoroki sat back down, "What do you mean?"

"The weakling didn't have the strength to open up an exit, it barely had the strength for an entrance,"

Even Midoriya only barely followed what he was trying to say.

"It's not dead you fools, it's just a little stuck, somewhere in between." he concluded.

The boys left the prison with a lot on their minds, part of them wanted to believe the insane father of their friend but they knew better than to trust that sadistic manipulator. So it was removed from their minds before they had even arrived at the dorms. And the next day, they went into class, the desk where she used to sit still empty, but the class happy enough to remember her as the amazing person she was, the girl who was always quick to smile if you knew how to make her.

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