Chapter 26

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Geez there you two are, Now hurry up and help me." Max said impatiently. 

"Like I've said, Not entirely sure what we're looking for," Cory says back. 

"It doesn't help that you are continuously rushing us." I glare at Max. 

Everything stops when we hear voices coming for a different side of the building. 

"Uh... What was that?" Uni asks as his ears perk up. Alpha's do the same. 

"Yeah, what's going on?" Cory questions 


"What do you mean guards?!" Cory exclaims. 

"I'm a bit busy, go take care of it," Max ignores us. 

"Are you serious?" Cory glares at him. 

"Yes Make yourself useful and take care of it. While I look through all this," Max opens another box as we stare at him with confusion. "Please take care of it," 

"Uggh fine," Cory storms off to figure out what to do. 

I walk past him, "I'll keep watch up here, don't forget about later Cory." I winked and he gave me a small smile. Adam looks at us weirdly but let's it go. 

Pulling out my handgun, I make sure nothing happens to anyone. I sighed as I wished we could get this over with already. 

As I keep watch I could hear some of the talking behind me, mostly about killing Max and leaving. I also notice that Alpha isn't with me. She grew close with them over time. My heart tugged as I realized that she just like being around them. I guess I can't do anything about that. I lower my gun and fall into some type of state of sadness when I thought too much about it. 

Suddenly the door I was guarding opens and two guards came out with guns held high. Shots flew past me and I took cover. 

Cory and Adam quickly came over and started shooting at them. I did my best as well to get a few good shots. 

They kept coming in but we were able to take them out. I sighed, "You guys okay?"

"Hopefully, this gun is the freaking best," Adam admired the gun he was holding. Pretty sure he stole that from Sky, but who wouldn't?

"Yeah I'm fine," Cory reloaded his gun again. 

"Damn right you are," I chuckled at my own joke. Cory just shook his head, "Seriously no flirting, Are you okay?"

"Of course I am, I'm a tough gum." He looked at me in confusion but let's it go. 

"Well, we might as look through all this," Cory opened a box and shuffled through some paper. "Yeah I don't think any of this will help us."

"There's gotta be something Cory," Adam takes a look. "But Look at all this, We'll never be able to go through all this Adam," Cory sighed. 

"I'm not reading all that," Adam shakes his head. 

"Okay, I'm going to check ahea-" I walk away before Cory pulls my arm and makes me stay with them. 

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