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Chapter seven:

*1 week later*

*Abby's p.o.v.*

I've been in LA for a week already. So far I love it here. It's really nice here and really warm all the time. Today's the day that Emma and I go over to the dance studio for our first dance show. We're both really excited for it, but we're also both nervous about it, but we believe that we can do it for sure. Tonight is also the first show that eleven past one and down with webster have their first concert on their new tour. I'm upset that I won't be there and so is Emma but both bands understand and are both really happy for us. After Emma and I get back home from the studio we are going to be able to Skype with the guys and the girls. Right now it's eight in the morning which means that we have about an hour to finish getting ready and be at the studio for nine. Megan made us some pancakes and than she went to go and get ready for work because she's dropping us off at the studio than going to work. Adam said that he would come and get us from the studio as soon as we're done for the day.

After breakfast Emma and I quickly went to finish getting ready. After we were done we were on our way to the studio. It was only about a ten minute drive from her house.

"Okay girls I'll see you later, good luck," Megan said as Emma and I were getting out of the car.

"Thanks and we'll see you when you get home later on today," Emma and I said.

"Okay I'll be home around six, so Adam will be coming to pick you up from the studio after you're done," she said.

"Okay we'll see you when you get home, drive safely," we said.

"Of course I'll drive safely, have fun in there and dance your hearts out," she said.

"Okay we will dance our hearts out," we said.

"Okay well I should get going so again I say good luck and I can't wait to see it on TV," she said.

"Okay have a safe drive and thanks and yeah we can't wait to see our selves on TV either," we said.

"Okay bye girls love you both," she said.

"Bye we love you too." We said. Her mom honked the horn and than drove off down the street and towards her place of work. Emma and I looked up at the studio building and looked at each other.

"You ready?" I asked.

"I was born ready," she said.

"Okay let's go," I said.

"Okay." She said. We walked into the studio. It was a pretty big studio and it was really nice. I already loved it and couldn't wait to start dancing. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by the host.

"Hello you two must be our newest dancers, I'm Alex the host," he said.

"Hello yes we are, I'm Abigail Richter, but I'd rather be called Abby," I said.

"And I'm Emma Baker," Emma said.

"Wonderful to meet you two," he said.

"Thanks it's wonderful to meet you as well," we said.

"You're welcome." He said. We followed him into the studio and into a room at the back. We walked inside and it was a huge dance floor. I've seen dance floors on TV, but seeing them right in front of you is a different thing and I think that it looks way better than on TV now that I'm actually seeing it. I'm really happy that I'm here at the dance studio, but in my mind I'm thinking about Steve and how he's doing, which I hope is good, tonight is one of their first shows and it's here in La, so I'm really happy because that means that I get to see Steve. I wonder if Steve knows that the first show on this tour is here in La. I only know because it was the girls and I that set up the dates and the times and the locations for their shows on this tour again. For the shows that are here in La during the next five months I put in bold not to tell Steve until the afternoon of the show. I made sure that they had a show here on the first day and the last day and that on their days off that if they were close to La that they would be in La on their day or days off that way they could hang with Emma and I either at her step moms house or over at the dance studio. Emma and I will only be here at the dance studio for a few hours this morning and than we would be leaving the studio at around noon to go back home and get ready for the concert tonight. Yes Emma and I have VIP passes so that means that we have backstage access which is amazing because that means that I get to spend more time with Steve, which is why I'm so happy right now. Emma and I were handed our outfits for our very first dance and we went to the dressing room and for changed into the outfits, after we were ready we went out of the dressing room and walked into the studio room and onto the dance floor. We are so ready to shine today on this show, Emma and I have been watching this dance show together ever sense we became friends when I moved in with the Richter family, so being on this show will be a dream come true and I'm so ready for it.


*Steve's p.o.v.*

I woke up and looked beside me, Abby wasn't there. I really do miss Abby and it's really weird waking up with Abby not being beside me and in my arms as soon as I wake up. After laying in bed for what felt like for hours, I decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day. Tonight we have our first show on our new tour. I can already imagine myself up on stage just picturing Abby everywhere in the audience. Gosh I miss her a lot and it hurts. I hope that I get to see her soon. After I got ready I walked out of the room and walked into the family room area.

"Steve you don't look like yourself," Daniel said.

"I'm not," I said.

"Why's that?" Stephen asked.

"I miss Abby," I said.

"You'll see her soon," Daniel said.

"In like five months," I said.

"Well actually you'll see her way sooner than you think," Stephen said.

"Really when?" I asked.

"Girls can we tell Steve?" Daniel asked.

"Sure go right ahead!" Amy, Hanna and Rebecca yelled back.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Steve you'll be seeing Abby at the show tonight," Stephen said.

"Really? She's coming here? Her and Emma?" I asked. By here I met New York City.

"No not here," Daniel said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Steve, we're not in New York City," Camm said.

"Yes we are," I said.

"No we're not look outside," Kyle said. I pulled open the curtains and looked outside, they were right we're not in New York City anymore.

"Oh my gosh we're in La!" I yelled.

"Yes," Pat.

"That means that I now know for sure that I'm seeing Abby tonight," I said, "does she have VIP access?" I asked.

"No Steve why on earth would we give you're girlfriend and her friend Emma VIP access to our show tonight?" Camm asked.

"You guys gave them VIP access?" I asked.

"Of course we gave them VIP access before they got on the tour bus last week before we started coming to La, well I gave Abby VIP access passes and than Kyle gave Emma VIP access passes," Camm said.

"Is that why Abby and you were the last two to come on the bus?" I asked.

"Yes that was why and that was also why Kyle woke up when Emma woke up," Camm said.

"Oh okay so you guys wanted to surprise me?" I asked.

"Of course we did I mean you're dating my sister she's full of surprises," Daniel said.

"True," I said.

"That's why we did what we did," Stephen said.

"And that's why I'm so happy right now," I said.

"Good." Daniel said.

I really am really happy. I haven't seen Abby in about a week, so it'll be nice to be able to see her at the show tonight. I'm smiling from ear to ear right now, because of this great news. Abby and I get to see each other, I get to see my girlfriend, I get to hug my girlfriend, I get to kiss my girlfriend, I get to cuddle with my girlfriend, and finally I get to fall asleep with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms and actually have a perfect night sleep which I haven't had in a while. I just can't wait to talk with her tonight and ask her how the dance show went today, which I hope she will tell me that the dance show went really good this morning. Anyways I decided that it's now time for breakfast so I grabbed some waffles and put them in the toaster and grabbed the butter and the maple syrup, I'm a true Canadian guy at heart, I can never have enough butter or maple syrup on my waffles or both butter and maple syrup on my waffles, I never actually started putting a whole lot of syrup or butter on my waffles until I started daring Abby and she told me that they would taste better if I did it just like she told me and as soon I tried it I fell in love with how good they tasted. I really do love Abby a lot and I can't wait to see her.

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