A few years later

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A few years later:

*Abby's p.o.v.*

It's been a few years since Steve and I married each other. Everything is going great in our lives. Our kids are doing amazing and have great marks in all of their classes, they're top of their class.
Our daughter is a dancer just like I was when I was a teenager. She reminds me of a younger version of myself. She said that when she starts high school she wants to be a part of her school's dance team.
Our son on the other hand is into drumming just like his dad. He reminds Steve of a much younger version of himself when he first started to play the drums. Our son said that when he starts high school he wants to be a part of his high school's band.
I'm proud of both of our children and they are both very amazing and talented in their own ways and both Steve and I are very proud of them. We told them that they can do whatever they put their minds to and they are both very happy about it.
Our daughter is a mini me, while our son is a mini Steve. Yes they both share looks with one of us and I'm so happy about it.
I will always support what my kids want to do, because life will take you anywhere you would like to go to, just as long as you keep your mind wide open.

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