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Chapter seventeen:

*Hanna's p.o.v.*

I was sitting down in the family room area of the rv, when my phone buzzed telling me that I had a text from someone, I looked down it was from Daniel.



~what's up?~Daniel

~not much just relaxing. What about you?~me

~same here. I'm actually just outside getting some sun~Daniel

~nice nice~me

~are you in the family room?~Daniel


~is anyone else in there with you or is it just you?~Daniel

~just me, everyone else is either in the kitchen or in a bedroom talking~me

~stay there, I'm coming in to keep you company and talk to you~Daniel

~okay of course I'll stay here see you in a few~me

~awesome and I'll be in there in a few minutes~Daniel

~okay I'll be waiting, bye~me

~okay bye~Daniel

I sat there waiting for Daniel to come into the rv. I actually have feelings for him. To tell the truth I've had feelings for him since we first met and became friends, but I just can't find the words to tell him that I like him, because it's hard to tell your best friend that you like them and have liked them for a while. About two minutes later the door to the rv opened and Daniel walked in. He walked right into the family room and sat down beside me.

"I need to talk to you," we both said as a way of greeting each other.

"You go first," he said.

"No you go first please, I'll go second," I said.

"Okay," he said.

"Okay." I said. I looked over at Daniel he had a look of nervousness on his face, like he was afraid to say something.

"This is hard to say and I don't know if you feel the same way that I do, but I need to tell you that I really like you Hanna and you likely don't feel the same way about me," he said.

"Daniel I really like you too," I said.

"You do?" He asked.

"Yes, I just didn't know if you felt the same way, which is why I didn't want to tell you," I said.

"That was the same reason why I didn't want to tell you," he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, I thought that once I told you that I liked you, that you would say that you only wanted to be friends with me and nothing more," he said.

"How did you work up the courage to tell me then?" I asked.

"Let's just say that I talked to Camm and asked him for some advice on how I could tell you how I felt," he said.

"I didn't talk to anyone about how I felt, I just went with what my heart was telling me and nothing else," I said.

"Was that easy for you?" He asked.

"At first it was, but than I started to have a problem because sometimes your heart doesn't tell you what you want to do," I said.

"Did your heart tell you the right thing this time?" He asked.

"Yes I believe that it did," I said.

"Well that's good," he said.

"Yeah I guess it is," I said.

"Hanna would you like to go out with me and be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes Daniel I would like to go out with you and be your girlfriend," I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, I can't think of anyone else that's perfect for me to date, other than yourself," I said.

"Awesome and I can't think of another girl for me to date other than yourself," he said.

"So I guess we're now dating," I said.

"Yeah I guess we are," he said.

"Cool now we can do some couple things," I said.

"You mean all of the couple things that I've wanted to do with you ever sense we were in grade ten?" He asked.

"Yes all the couple things that you have wanted to do with me sense grade ten," I said.

"Sweet I say we get started," he said.

"With what thing first?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said.

"So now you're being secretive?" I asked.

"Well I have to surprise my girlfriend somehow," he said.

"True you do and in return I have to surprise my boyfriend somehow," I said.

"I'm guessing you asked her out now Daniel?" Someone asked from the other end of the room, I looked around and sure enough it was Camm who just asked Daniel that question.

"Yes I did ask her out," Daniel said to Camm as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Congrats to the both of the you," Camm said.

"Thank you Camm," we said.

"You're welcome." He said. Camm walked out of the room, leaving Daniel and I alone together. I never thought that Daniel and I would ever be able to share a moment, because we both thought that the other person didn't like us in the same way. It feels good to have a boyfriend who I know will treat me really well. I don't think that I have ever been as happy as I am right now. I have the biggest smile on my face and I'm pretty sure that it won't ever come off, unless I'm in a bad mood, but even then Daniel would find a way to make me smile again. That is the main thing that I like about Daniel, but I also like that about Stephen. The reason why I like that about the Richter brothers is because they are always able to make someone smile and brighten up that persons day, they always make Abby smile, but so does Steve. Honestly Daniel, Stephen and Steve really hate it when Abby isn't in a happy mood, because it usually affects them as well, seeing as they are really close with Abby, actually I feel like it affects Steve the most, because he's dating her. I might be dating Daniel now, but we won't ever be able to compare to Abby and Steve, then again no couple could ever compare to that couple. Right now I'm just really happy to be in a relationship with Daniel and my happiness will never be ruined by anything that might be thrown into my path while I'm in this relationship.


*Abby's p.o.v.*

Today I feel okay, I'm not sore all over and I can actually walk okay without feeling too much pain and it feels great. Anyways right now I'm in the kitchen with Steve just finishing up my sub that I had Kyle and Steve make me. Kyle and Steve are okay when it comes to making subs, that is if you like random items of food put on your sub. Actually the sub that they made me was a pizza sub and it tasted really good. I've heard of pizza subs, but never had one, until today and I fell in love with the way that it tasted as soon as I had the first bite of it. After I was done eating Steve picked me up in his arms and carried me into our bedroom, so we can spend some alone time together for the next few hours, until dinner time tonight when we all sit down in the family room and talk and eat and than likely watch movies afterwards or play some video games, I don't even know. Anyways right now I am cuddled up beside Steve, well I was until I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. Like I've said before being pregnant does tire you out a lot, it's a lot of work carrying another human being inside of you. I'm so happy though that it's Steve's child and no one else's child. I honestly can't see myself with anyone else other than Steve, well if I wasn't with Steve, the only other person I could maybe see myself with would be Camm because like Steve he is also really nice and caring towards me and also he even said so himself that he will always be there for me if I ever should need him for anything, which I couldn't be more thankful for.

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