24 (part 2)

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Chapter twenty four

The Wedding:

*Abby's p.o.v*

"You look so beautiful Abby," Emma said.
"Yes you do," Rebecca said.
"I can't believe that you're about to marry Steve, and you'll look so beautiful while you marry him," Hanna said.
"Thank you so much guys for making me look so beautiful," I said.
"You're welcome, it's your special day," Rebecca said.
"Yes yes it is and it's going to be such a magical afternoon," Emma said.
"I couldn't agree more it's going to be an amazing afternoon." Hanna said.
I'm still really nervous about this afternoon. I just hope that I don't screw up while I make my vows. I feel like both Steve and I are likely freaking out the same amount because this is our special day, this is the day that we make our vows to love each other for the rest of our lives, which we will, I mean we've lived each other since the age of sixteen when we first started dating. I'm so happy that I met Steve, he's such a sweet guy and so thoughtful as well. I'm pretty sure that there isn't another guy like him in this world.
Anyways I have about ten minutes before I walk down the aisle. I've been waiting for this to happen since this morning when I first woke up. I'm so excited about this. I wonder if everyone who has married another person always feels this way. I'm pretty sure that they do. I mean marriage is a big thing to happen in your life, which is why everyone makes a big deal out of it.


*Steve's p.o.v*

"I can't believe it's almost time," I said.
"Well believe it because it's true," Kyle said.
"Are you still nervous?" Stephen asked.
"A little bit," I answered truthfully.
"It's okay to be nervous, I mean this is your big day," Daniel said.
"Just think of being when you asked for her hand in marriage," Dan said.
"Okay I guess that'll work," I said.
"It will." He said.
About five minutes later it was time. I made my way to the alter and waited to see my beautiful bride walking down the aisle. About five minutes later the wedding song started and I saw Abby. She looked so beautiful. She always has been beautiful, but she looks even more beautiful today in that dress. Maybe it's because she hasn't dressed up in about a year so I haven't seen her dressed up for that reason. Anyways I smiled as soon as she got to where I was standing, she smiled back like always. Just than the priest started talking. The priest said everything that they always say at weddings. Than came the moment that I was waiting for.
"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.
Abby and I started walking towards each other and I took her head gently in my hand and tilted her chin up and kissed her.
"I love you so much Abby," I said.
"I love you so much as well Steve." she said. We both started to blush like crazy. After I kissed Abby it was time for the wedding party to start.
The party went on for hours. The party was filled with lots of laughs because everyone was sharing their favourite moments of when Abby and I became a couple. The ones that my band mates and her friends had to share were the best ones. Some of them were pretty funny. However the ones that Stephen and Daniel said were the sadder ones. The ones in which I saved Abby's life and they said that for that reason they're so happy that Abby and I are now married and are so grateful that I was there on that night and able to save Abby and to just be with Abby while she was going through the fact that her cancer came back. I'll admit that was the hardest thing that I've gone through during my whole relationship with Abby but it made us closer which was what we both wanted at the time and now look at us, we are now happily married. We have two lovely kids and we both have lovely families as well.
I just hope that Abby and I will be able to take care of our children for as long as we live. I also hope that nothing happens to our children like what happened to Abby when she was younger, because no child should have to go through what Abby went through as a child. I know that Abby still gets nightmares about what happened to her, actually she doesn't get nightmares all the time, the last time she had them was when she was pregnant and just couldn't sleep and would wake up screaming. I'm just glad that Abby is doing better and also I'm glad that Abby and I have already started our own little family and will continue it now that we are married.
I can't wait to go away on vacation with her real soon. I can't tell her where we are going because I want it to be a surprise. I already told everyone where I want to take her and they all think that she'll love it and I think that she'll love it as well. I guess I'll have to wait and hear what she thinks about it until we go there in a few weeks.

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