24 (part 1)

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Chapter twenty four:

One year later - The morning of the wedding

*Abby's p.o.v*

Today's the day of the wedding. Steve and I decided to wait a while until I was fully healed and my body was almost back to normal. I'm so excited about getting married, but I'm also really nervous. I haven't spelt in like two days because I've been really nervous about today. The past year has been really great. Steve and I have managed through the first year of parenthood, he took some time away from the band that way he could be here when our children started talking and walking. When our daughter spoke it was an amazing day, her first word which was daddy. That one word made Steve smile real big. A day later our son said his first word which was mommy. That word made me smile really big. About a week later they both started walking. They say that boys are slower at starting to walk, but I think that doesn't apply to twins that are a girl and a boy. Katie and Jake are both really happy and both really healthy as well. I really want to be there for both of my kids. I don't want my kids to have to go through what I went through when I was ten years old to the age of the sixteen. I want my kids to have a happy life. I also know that Steve also wants his kids to have a very happy life as well. Steve and I are really protective of our kids as are the other guys. Her uncles Stephen and Daniel are likely the most protective of her aside from us.
I sat up in bed. I looked around the room. I noticed that Steve wasn't on his side of the bed, instead there was a note on his pillow with my name on it. I looked at it.

~ dear Abby,
I likely won't be here when you wake up, that's because the guys are taking me away from the house so I can get ready for our wedding, since you and I can't see each other until the wedding because it's bad luck. Anyways I'll see you soon, I love you. From Steve ~

There was a knock on the front door as I got out of bed. I left the bedroom and went downstairs to answer the door. It was the girls.
"Good morning," Emma said.
"It's your magical day," Rebecca said.
"You're getting married," Hanna said.
"And we're here to make you look stunning," they said.
"It's like six in the morning," I said.
"Perfect time to make you look stunning," Emma said.
"Actually it's eight," Hanna said.
"Well come on in," I said.
"Okay we will," Rebecca said.
"Let's go and make you look beautiful," Emma said.
"Okay." I said. I took them upstairs to the bedroom that Steve and I had. They looked around the room, they all stopped and looked at a picture that was hanging on the wall above the wall. It was a picture of Steve and I, with Katie and Jake. It was our first picture taken as a family.
"Awe you guys are one very happy family," Emma said.
"So cute," Hanna said.
"Your children are so cute," Rebecca said, than added on, "your daughter looks just like you." She looked at the picture again.
"When can we see your children again?" Emma asked. They haven't seen Katie and Jake in a few months because Steve and I have busy, and right now our children aren't home, instead their at my parents house, but they'll be at the wedding. The only reason why they aren't here right now is because Steve and I both want our children to get a good nights sleep the night before their parents get married. Also they have to look like they got a good nights sleep because there will be family pictures taken of Steve and I and of our children as well.
"You guys will be able to see them today at the wedding," I said.
"Awesome I can't wait," Emma said.
"Neither can I," Hanna said.
"Nor can I." Rebecca said. I can't wait until Emma, Hanna and Rebecca see Katie and Jake again, because they really want pictures with them.
"Come on let's get you ready, you've got a long afternoon ahead of you," Hanna said.
"Okay," I said.
"To the bathroom," Rebecca said.
"Okay." I said. I know that I'll be sitting here for a while. They want to do my hair first than my make up and than I can put on my dress and my shoes. It would be a long five hours. Who knows it it might take them less than five hours, simply because Emma knows a lot about different hair styles for different events, Rebecca knows how to do make up for different events and Hanna knows a lot of clothing for different events. It's very easy to tell who's doing what to help me get ready for my big day.

*Steve's p.o.v*

Today is finally the day that I will be able to call Abby my wife. I really can't wait to see her walk down that aisle and I also can't wait to kiss her when the person who's doing our wedding ceremony says that you may kiss the bride. I've always pictured this day in my head since the first day that Abby and I started dating, or rather the first day that I met her and started talking to her. When I asked her to marry me before she got pregnant I was so nervous not because I thought that she would say no, I was nervous because I couldn't think of the right way to ask her. I stood in front of my mirror back home and practiced for hours on how to ask Abby to marry me, because I wanted it to be a marriage proposal that would sweep her off of her feet, which it did. I had also asked her parents for permission and her brothers for permission before I asked her to marry me. I had it all planed out and it turned out great.
"Dude stop pacing," Kyle said.
"I'm nervous though," I said.
"Don't be, you'll be fine," Dan said.
"What if I screw up though?" I ask.
"You won't though," Daniel said.
"I'm still nervous though," I said.
"We can tell, that's why we're telling you that you'll do fine," Stephen said.
"This is bigger than it was when I asked her to marry me," I said.
"Dude we know, but just think that you're asking her out on a date again, except it's a date for the rest of your lives," Dan said.
"Will that work?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, it might," he said.
"Okay I'll try it, but I'm still going to be nervous," I said.
"Breaking news from Emma who says that Abby is beyond nervous currently and she misses you and loves you," Kyle said.
"Tell Emma that I said to tell Abby that I miss her as well and that I love her too and I can't wait to see her this afternoon," I said.
"Okay." He said. I stopped pacing and decided to get lost in my mind for a few minutes. Well not really got lost in my mind, just think about a few things. Well mostly think about Abby and how beautiful she's going to look this afternoon, think about hugging her and kissing her in front of everyone that we are really close to. I also take a few minutes to think about our son Jake and our daughter Katie. They are so cute. Our little girl looks just like Abby and our little boy looks just like me. They're twins and honestly I love them so much. It's so great to have a little version of yourself walking around on earth, mostly when that little version of yourself is your own kid. I'll admit the first year of parenthood was really hard, but there were some great moments in it. Two of those moments being when your children say their first word and when your children walk for the first time. Those were two moments that if I were on tour with my band I would've missed and I didn't want to miss those two great events happening. Currently our children are at Abby's, Stephen's and Daniel's parents house. We sent them there that way they would get a good nights sleep and would be able to enjoy seeing their parents get married and also that way they were both awake when we had our family picture taken.
The next few hours went by fast, which was good, simply because that now means that I'm closer to seeing Abby again. I haven't seen her since I left the house this morning, I didn't even get to talk to her before I left the house, because she was still sound asleep. I'm just happy that Abby is able to get some more sleep this days, because for the first year with our children she didn't get a lot of sleep because she spent time worrying about our children and how they were doing, because she didn't want anything bad to happen to them and neither did I.
Five hours later

*Abby's p.o.v*

I'm now ready to walk down the aisle. I'm still nervous though. I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at the dress that I'm wearing. I hear a voice from the door way.
"You look beautiful Abby," my mom said.
"Thanks mom," I said.
"You're welcome," she said.
"How was the drive over?" I asked.
"It was good, your father is still outside, he said he'd come inside in a few minutes," she said.
"That's good," I said.
"Are you excited or nervous or both?" She asked.
"I'm really excited but I'm also nervous," I said.
"That's okay I was as well on my wedding day," she said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Of course, it's normal to be excited and to be nervous on the day of your wedding," she said.
"I just can't believe that in just a few shirt hours I'll be able to call Steve my husband rather than my boyfriend," I said.
"I'm really happy for the both of you, I mean Steve has been waiting his whole life to find the right girl and he finally did, he found you, while you've been through a lot in your life Steve saved your life and has been there for you whenever you need him," she said.
"You guys and Stephen and Daniel also saved my life, I mean you guys took me into your home and helped me learn how to trust people again, if it wasn't for you guys I don't even know where I would be right now," I said.
"Yes we did. We should likely stop this talk before your make up starts to run down your face and it has to be re done before the wedding," she said.
"Okay." I said. We just sat there in silence. Eventually Emma, Hanna and Rebecca were dressed and ready to go. Within a few minutes we all walked downstairs to the kitchen so we could each get something to drink before we went outside where the wedding would be taking place.

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