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Chapter twenty one:

*Abby's p.o.v.*

I now know the reason why I've been so sore since I became pregnant. It turns out that I'm having twins, which explains a lot of things. Steve and I have to prepare a room for our babies when we get back home. I decided to call my parents.

"Hello," they answered.

"Hello," I said.

"What's up Abby?" They asked.

"I kind of need to design a room when Steve and I get home," I said.

"Why?" My mom asked.

"I'm pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl," I said.

"Okay, we can get you and Steve a house to live in that's close to our house and close to where Steve lives as well," my dad said.

"You guys aren't mad?" I asked.

"Of course not," they said.

"Oh and also I have some more news as well," I said.

"What's your other news?" My dad asked.

"Steve asked me to marry him and I said yes," I said.

"Awe congrats sweetie," they said.

"Thanks," I said.

"You're welcome," they said.

"I can't wait to see you guys when I come home," I said.

"And we can't wait to see you," they said.

"Great well I have to go so I'll see you guys later, I love you," I said.

"Okay see you later and we love you too," they said.

"Bye," I said.

"Bye." They said. We hung up the phone at the same time. It felt good to talk to my parents about what was going on with me and I'm really happy that my parents are okay about me being pregnant and that are okay with the fact that I will be marrying Steve as well. As soon as I hung up the phone I walked into Steve's arms again and just stayed in his arms, as he rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. I always love when he holds me like this. I told him that my parents are okay with the two of us starting a family together and getting married to each other as well. I also told him that my parents would buy us a house that's close to my house and close to his house, that way we are both near our houses if we ever need help with anything, and by that I mean raising our children by ourselves, something tells me that Steve and I will end up asking for help from our parents for the first few months, which will be fine with our parents. That's why I love our parents, they are always willing to help us with anything that we need help with.

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