chapter 3

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        "For your sake, you better hope this works.''

        That was the last thing Evelyn heard Steve say before she was taken away and sent down to were all the other guys from the base are.  It was a concentration camp.  You could tell the soldier apart from everyone else, not only because of the uniform but they we're the healthiest looking ones there.

        Hydra bases didn't normally have concentration camps though, did they?  Then again  Evelyn hasn't noticed one Hydra symbol all around the base.

        Evelyn walks a bit more into the camp.  Once of the guy's from the base notice her and goes over to her.  "Eberle?  What are you doing here?  Weren't you on a mission with, Rogers?"

        ''And I still am.  Look, he wanted to come on a suicide mission to come and save you guys, and I was letting him come alone, so I told him to dress like a guard and to bring me in as a prisoner so that we could rescue everyone,'' she looks around.  ''But this doesn't look like a Hydra base."

        "That's because its not.  Its something else called Hyde.  Apparently they are on The Nazi's and Hydra's side, but before this none of us have heard about it,'' he hurry ups and speaks.  "Listen, you should have never came.  Roger's is in trouble in there, pretending to be one of the guards.  He'll get caught, won't know where to go, and they won't throw him in here, they'll just kill him."

        "Trust me, Craig, this is Captain America we're talking about and you very well know what his first mission was, and he did it alone.''

        ''There are other people here, Eberle!" he tries keeping quiet, don't want to cause a scene.  He's seen what happens when you do.  He shutters and looks around at everyone that isn't in a uniform.  "This camp is different.  Its a normal camp that the Nazi's hold, but days after being in here they ask you if you want to join them, or if you'd rather sit in here and wait til your time comes to die.  Just taking a while guess and thinking that they only ask strong looking men, and not enemies."

        "I'd be asking the enemies first,'' Sargent Craig looks at her confused, raising an eyebrow.  "You can get secrets, get them to blow up your enemies camp, if they seem suspicious,'' she pauses and makes a loud cracking noise and clenches her hand into a fist in front of his face.  "kill them, they we're never truly on your side anyway."

        You can almost see the crazy in her eye.  That spark of insanity, glistening in her eyes.  The way her lips moved, and how she bared her teeth, sharp too, which didn't help.

        He isn't sure how to react at first.  She's crazy, insane, a bit of a smart of an idea, but you'd have to be a sociopath  to come up with it.  "I'll never understand why they made you Roger's partner, or why they let you in the army and not the loony bin,'' he walks away disguised, she can tell by the noise he makes and he turns his back on her and walks back to where he was before he spotted her. 

        She slowly put her fist down and to her side.  She stood up straight with a blank look on her face not taking her eyes off his back.  He didn't dare look back at her.  She had dried blood all down her cheek and down her neck from the cut she gave herself to make herself look beat up.  She was hoping he could feel her looking at him.  All she did after that was nod her head upwards and walk off in a different direction to check out the camp.

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