chapter 9

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                Steve was sitting in a medical room getting the stab wound tended to.  He flinched a bit at the sting, but he's had worse wounds, he can't complain.  The medic said that he was lucky, she was close to the heart.  He knew she wasn't going for the kill with the hit, but it sure made him know that she could.

                Fury walked into the room just was the medic was finishing wrapping a bandage around Steve.  "Mind telling me what was going on?"

                Steve has been looking down the whole time he's been in here.  His fingers gripped to the underside of the table he was sitting on.  Collecting all of his thoughts.  "She was my partner." he says softly.

                Fury barely hears him.  He tells the medic to leave them so they can talk.  "I thought Barnes was your partner?" Fury ask being confused.  Steve has never talked about this girl who has just tried to kill him, but he told countless stories about him and Bucky.

                ''Only for a few months.  She never listened to orders very well.  She was one of the very women in the army, and a week or two after Bucky fell off the train Phillips made her my partner.  Guess he though that she was a lot like Bucky, which she was,'' he laughed a bit.  He puts his shirt back on.

                "Who is she exactly, Captain?  And why the hell is she still around?"

                "Her name is Evelyn Eberle.  I thought she was long gone."

                "Mind telling me how she's possible alive?"

                "There was this group called Hyde, we thought we were going onto a Hydra base.  They must have captured her when the place blew up, and I'm pretty sure she's the one who tried to blow it.  We went in to rescue some soldiers and then people in the concentration camp hat was there.  I'm assuming Evelyn had a few more ideas and wanted to stop them.  I wanted to go look for her but Peggy told me that some soldier went to check the place the day after and found no one that was alive, and there was no trace of her body, I guess they had taken her to another facility, but after that we never saw another Hyde facility, it was like that was the only one."

                "But it wasn't.  She's out there looking for you to kill you for God knows what reason.  You think you could take her down, Rogers?"

                He sat on the table looking down again, his fingers gripping onto the underside of the table harder and harder thinking about her.  Fury raises a brow and repeats his question.  Steve looks up at him and then back down slowly.  "I don't know," he mumbles and looks back up to meet Fury's gaze.

                "Well you're going to have to do something about her, Rogers, we don't need public fights like that.  This isn't New York where there are fight like this once a week," he says as he turns around and walks out of the room.

                Steve watches him walk out, still keeping a good hold on the table.  He realized how hard he was gripping the table, he nearly indented his fingers into the metal, and took his hands off.  He stood up and walked into the hall.

                He didn't want to take down Evelyn.  Seeing her just brought back memories, good and bad, but he didn't care, he still liked her, he just had to get her to come to her senses again next time that he met her.  He had to get his friend back.

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