Foxy the Maurader

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I sit in a corner of a compartment, almost invisible, four other people.

‘That’s it! We are off to Hogwarts!’ a boy with greasy long black hair and an unusually big nose exclaims. ‘You better be in Slytherin!’ he  says to the girl on his right, with long red hair a few shades lighter then my own, and green eyes.

‘Slytherin?’ one of the boys snarls,  seemingly disgusted. ‘Who would want to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?’ he asks the other.

‘Our whole family has been in Slytherin.’ He announces sadly.

 ‘I want to be  in Gryffindor.’ I whisper.

‘Blimey! And I thought you seemed all right.’ He grins.

‘Maybe I’ll break the tradition.’

‘I just said, ugh.’ I mumble again unnoticed  by everyone, except the girl and her friend.

‘ Where are you headed if you had the choice?’

‘”Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!”  Like my dad!’ The girl’s friend snorts. ‘Got a problem with that?’ the boy with untidy black hair and hazel eyes demands.

‘No!’ though a sneer on his face says otherwise. ‘If you’d rather be brawny rather than brainy—‘

‘Where are you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither?’ the other interjected.

Boys!’ I warn, finally acknowledged by them slightly. He started laughing.

‘Come on Severus, let’s find another compartment!’ the girl exclaimed, looking rather flushed.

‘Ooooooo…’ I roll my eyes as the other boy tried to trip Severus.

‘See ya Snivellus!’ the other calls after him.

‘Can you be any more immature?’

‘I don’t know, can you be any less fun?’

‘Who are you?’ the other boy asks.

‘Emalia Richard.’

 ‘So what house are you hoping to be in?’

‘So you paid no attention what-so-ever, did you?’

‘I just noticed you there honestly.’

‘It’s okay, I’m used to being outshone by others.’ I sigh.

‘Honestly, I would have seen you from miles away with that hair.’ He smirks.

‘I said Gryffindor.’ I grin.


We are joined by two boys with light brown hair, one more plump and short, the other structured like the boys. The taller has light grey, almost blue eyes and the stouter has blue eyes. I’m quite taken with the taller. ‘Who might you be?’

‘Lupin.’ I raise my eyebrows, encouraging him to elaborate. ‘Remus Lupin, and that Peter Pettigrew.’ He explains awkwardly.

‘Emalia Richard, and I don’t believe I’ve caught their names.’

‘Good, because I haven’t said it.’ He smirks, then continues. ‘I’m James Potter.’

‘I’m Sirius Black.’

‘Would you guys like to sit down?’

‘S-sure!’  Remus stammers. I offer him one of my chocolate frogs, he shakes his head so I offer it to Peter who takes it greedily.

Foxy the MauraderWhere stories live. Discover now