Chapter 3 :

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Chloe's P.O.V.

The man came back with the paperwork and I filled them out. "Congrats. Welcoming Bella Beale to the family." The employee said. I smiled and picked the little dog up.

"Aww, you're such a cutie pie!" I said, hugging the little dog. I heard Bella make a little noise that sounded kind of like a groan. I chuckled. "So, you don't like being called cutie pie then. You're like a little badass dog then." I said. Bella wagged her tail and stuck her tongue out. I saw Tom giving Bella that death stare again. "Okay, let's go back to your house." He said.

Beca's P.O.V.

I sat in Chloe's lap in the car while Tom drove. I absolutely hate Tom. He's cheated on Chloe many times before, and I don't know why Chloe still likes him. He's a real dick. Tom was driving and then "accidentally" ran over a bump in the road, flinging me off Chloe's lap.

"Oops. Sorry." Tom said, smirking. Chloe glared at him and picked me back up. She cradled me in her arms and I looked up at her. She smiled at me. I snuggled into her arm and soon fell asleep.

"Hey Becs." Chloe said. I looked at my arms and there were hands there. "Wait, I'm a human again." I said. I moved my hands around. "Yeah, and you're safe with me." Chloe said wrapping her arms around me.

I woke up when we got to Chloe house and I looked at my arms. The paws were still there. "Must've been a dream." I thought. Chloe carried me in and placed me down. "Welcome to your new home." Chloe said proudly.

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