Chapter 6 :

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Chloe's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe he just said that. He's making me choose between him and Bella. I looked over at Bella and she was just sitting there looking at me. I sighed. "I know what I need to do." I thought.

Beca's P.O.V.

The next thing I know Chloe let Tom in and they kissed. I couldn't believe it. Chloe had chose Tom. I couldn't look at them and I walked away. I went over to the couch and just sat there. At that moment I wished that I could back turn into a human. A human that could talk some sense into Chloe. A human who could beat Tom's scrawny little ass.

I glanced over at Chloe and Tom who were hugging. Chloe started making her way over to me and I jumped off the couch and backed into the corner again. She kept coming closer and sat down next to me in the corner. I flashed my teeth at her and growled. She seemed surprised for a second, but quickly turned back to calm. She put her hand out to me but, I huffed on it and took a step away.

"Chloe! Please don't put me back!" I tried to say but it came out as barks. "I'm sorry Bella." Chloe said. It was almost if she could understand me. "Okay, babe we'll drop her back off at the shelter tomorrow at 10." Tom said. "Got it, bye babe love you." Chloe said. "Love you too!" Tom called out closing the door. Chloe reached out to me but I flinched away.

She sighed and said, "Okay, now what's the sleeping situation here?" I didn't know if she was talking to me or herself, but I did know she didn't exactly have any dog supplies besides like a leash. I didn't know how I would respond but, I just jumped up onto the couch and laid there.

"Look I'm sorry,  you'll get a better owner this way." Chloe said. "You're the best owner I could've gotten." I thought. I needed to show her I was Beca. "So um, I know you're a dog but uh, do you like wanna watch like a movie?" Chloe said awkwardly. "No, I hate movies." I tried to say but, it came out as angry barks. Chloe chuckled and said, "Yeah, Beca doesn't like movies either." I looked up at her. "I kinda miss her company to be honest." Chloe said quietly. Boy if only she knew.

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