Thank You.

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A / N : Oh my gosh guys. I don't know if by the time I'm posting this we'll be far from just hitting 1000 reads, but who cares. Anyways, we just hit 1000 reads on here! As in the actual 1000! Thank you guys so much for all the support on this, and I seriously couldn't have done this without you guys. And to show my thankfulness, I have written a little one-shot for you guys. Note that this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story itself and that the actual chapters will be coming soon. Enjoy!

"Becs, wake up." Chloe whispered. Beca still continued to snore away. "Beca come on, it's time to get up." Chloe pleaded in a whispering voice. Beca was still snoring. Chloe gently tapped her on the shoulder.

Beca stirred and faced Chloe's direction, rubbing her eyes. When she opened her eyes after rubbing them, she was greeted by the bubbly redhead, none other than Chloe Beale. "Morning." Chloe said with a smile.

Beca groaned in sleepiness. "Chloeee." She whined. "Becaaa." Chloe whined back, mocking the small brunette who was definitely not a morning person. "It's only 10:35, why are you waking me up now?" Beca asked. Chloe stares at the tiny DJ in shock.

"10:35 is early for you?!" She exclaimed. Beca rolled back over and faced the wall closing her eyes once again. "Beca, if you don't get up I'll tickle you." Chloe threatened. "Okay three things. One, I'm not ticklish, two, I had a huge late gig last night so I'm tired, and three you wouldn't dare." Beca shot back.

"Oh really? Let's see about that." Chloe challenged. "One..." she started to count. "Two..." She counted once again. And just before she could say three, Beca shot up and stood up rubbing her eyes. "Okay, okay I'm up." Beca said.

"Okay, good girl." Chloe said with a smirk. "But I'm still tickling you!" She said. She ran up to Beca and started tickling her stomach. "Chloe!" Beca said, out of breath. She was laughing uncontrollably and was gasping.

"!" Beca said in between giggles and heavy breaths. They were now both on the bed. Chloe finally stopped and Beca as trying to catch her breath. "You seem so out of breath, I wonder why." Chloe said jokingly. "Maybe it might be because you tickled me to death." Beca said.

Chloe laughed and turned over on the bed to face Beca. They looked at each other in silence for a second. Their faces were centimeters apart. Beca looked down to Chloe's lips and quickly averted her eyes and look back up again.

Chloe finally closed the distance, and leaned forward to give Beca a soft, loving kiss. Beca was shocked but allowed the redhead to kiss her.

When Chloe pulled away Beca had a dazed look on her face. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." Chloe quickly apologized. Beca snapped out of her daze and gave Chloe a smirk.

"You know Chloe, I was already out of breath from all that tickling." Beca teased. Chloe gasped. "So, I just kissed my best friend who I like which is you, and you're not gonna say anything?" Chloe asked. "Like?" Beca questioned. "Um, yeah." Chloe responded.

"Well Chloe, I don't like you back." Beca said coldly. Chloe felt her heart breaking at that moment. She stood up to leave when Beca grabbed her wrist.

"I love you back." She said before smashing her lips onto Chloe's. At that moment, they both knew that they were destined to be something more.

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