Chapter 22 :

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Beca's P.O.V.

I woke up and I was in Chloe's lap. Stacie, Aubrey, and Chloe were all talking to each other. I suddenly felt the anger that I had earlier fading away, as Chloe was rocking me back and forth slowly.

I was still a damn dog, and we didn't have a solution to it yet. I saw Aubrey look at me and noticed I was awake. "Since you're awake now, allow Stacie to explain." Aubrey said. Stacie shifted in her spot slightly, and took a deep breath. She was still a dog as well.

"Well-" Stacie started but was soon cut off by Chloe. "You see, you were drunk, Stacie brought you to her lab, you messed around with some stuff and turned yourselves into dogs." Chloe said with ease. I was confused because I didn't remember this.

"What?" I asked, heavily confused. As soon as I questioned Chloe, I suddenly remembered everything that occurred. Me drinking the strange substance in the beaker thing, and me pressing that red button. God, I messed up bad.

"Oh." I said, my voice filled with realization. I laughed nervously while Stacie had a bit of an amused look on her face. "So, basically all this dog drama is all your fault." Aubrey said out of the blue.

"Aubrey!" Chloe scolded, smacking Aubrey lightly on the arm. "Nah, she's right." I admitted. "To be honest, I've gotten used to this whole dog thing. Sure, I'd prefer to be a human right now, but it's not all that bad. Although, I do miss my goodies." Stacie said.

My eyes widened at the last part, and I hoped she wouldn't go on further. Chloe noticed my sudden discomfort. "Moving swiftly on." She quickly said. "Past is in the past, what we really need to do, is turn you guys back."

"Preach to that." I said jokingly. Chloe turned to me and grinned at my silliness. I was lost in her eyes for a second before I saw Aubrey smirking slightly out of the corner of my eye. "What are you smirking at Aubrey? We all know you have a thing for Stacie." I said smugly.

Aubrey's cheeks turned a shade pink while Stacie gave a little smile. "I do not!" Aubrey denied, still blushing. "Tell that to your face that's pinker than a flamingo!" Chloe said. I turned to Chloe and attempted to give her a high five but it ended up being more of me putting my paw on her hand awkwardly.

"And it's not like you don't have a thing for Chloe." Stacie fired at me. I decided to mess around and be flirtatious. "I never said I didn't." I said with a cute smile, winking at Chloe. Chloe blushed even harder than Aubrey did.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and smiled at us. "Aww, you guys are too cute. But honestly, the dog thing kind of makes it weird ." Aubrey said. "I could say the same thing about you and Stacie." I said. "Okay, before Beca rips Aubrey's head off, can we just promise to now try to figure out how to turn us back?" Stacie asked. We all nodded our heads in agreement. We were not gonna be some silly pooches anymore.

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