Chapter 12 :

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A/N : Here's chapter 12 for y'all!

I woke up to see white on the side. I started to panic. I turned around and there was a blurry face looking at me. "Who are you? WHERE AM I?!?" I yelled in confusion. The blurry figure lightly grabbed my arm and shook me a bit.

"Chloe calm down it's just me." Aubrey said. My breathing calmed and I slowly tilted my head to look at my arm, that had an IV needle in it. "Am I in the hospital?" I asked Aubrey. She nodded and said, "I found you on the street beaten pretty bad."
I suddenly remembered everything that happened.

"Do you know who beat you?" Aubrey asked. I didn't want to admit it was Tom so I shook my head. She looked at me suspiciously but, just went with it. "Ok, I'll let you get some rest." Aubrey said. She left the room and I sighed.

I thought of many things. From Bella, to Tom. And then I wondered what would've happened if Aubrey hadn't found me on the street. I was lost in thought when a doctor walked in. "Hello Ms. Beale, it's good to see that you have awoken. I'm Dr. Cortez" He said. He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I politely took it.

"You have broke your ribs, but luckily you've had the proper surgery and the doctors saved you so, it's a good thing Ms. Posen got to you in time." He said. I nodded and looked at my fingers. "We're gonna keep you here for a few days just to keep an eye on you." He continued. "Okay." I said.

"We noticed the bruises on your face and stomach, so it was confirmed that this was a beating of some sort. It would be really convenient if you told us who did this." He said seriously. I shook my head. I didn't want Tom coming for me, Aubrey, and even Bella. "Okay, I won't force you." Dr. Cortez said. He then left the room.

Beca's P.O.V.

Stacie just sat there in shock. I had just told her what happened. "So let me get this straight, so you coincidently got adopted by Chloe, got named Bella, Tom hated you and made Chloe choose between you and him, she chose him, you bit Tom, and now you're here?" Stacie asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." I said. "How about you?" I asked. "Got adopted by rich folk, and they returned me here when I was caught trying to do a little something with their other dog." Stacie said. "Gross." I said. "So...what now?" She asked. "I dunno." I said looking around. I looked for any thing that we could use to escape. There was nothing and I sighed.

"I guess we just live our lives out as dogs." I said looking down. "God, this is like something from a freaking movie." Stacie said. "Wait, how come I can talk to you but not other dogs?" I asked.

"Probably has something to do with us used to being humans." Stacie said. "I wonder why we turned into dogs and how." I said. "Yep." Stacie replied. "What now?" I asked.  Stacie ran up to me and nudged me with her head. "Tag." She said smugly. "Oh you're on." I said.

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