Chapter 5 :

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Bella was sleeping on my lap while Tom was next to me. Bella stirred and then blinked her eyes open. "You awake baby?" I teased looking down at Bella. Bella sat up and licked my face. I giggled and Bella wagged her tail. I saw Tom looking at Bella in disgust. "Tom, if you're gonna look at Bella like that every time I go affectionate on her, we're gonna have a problem." I said. "Well I can't help it, now I wonder who you're really dating." Tom said, pointing at Bella. "Quit being so jealous she's just a dog!" I yelled.

Beca's P.O.V.

My heart hurt when she said I was just a dog. I know I'm a dog right now, but it felt like she was saying that directly to me. I whimpered and Chloe looked over. "Oh, I-I didn't mean it." Chloe said sincerely. "Why are apologizing to that bitch?" Tom said. "Don't call her that!" Chloe said. "What? You call a female dog a bitch." Tom said with a smirk. "I don't need your smarty ass right now." Chloe said. She dragged Tom out and was about to shut the door when he said, "It's either me or the dog Chloe!"

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