Chapter 15 :

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Beca's P.O.V.

I was just standing there looking at them. "Chloe came back?" I thought. Benji slowly opened the door and motioned for Chloe to go in. Stacie stepped in front of me and flashed her teeth out a little at them, showing her protectiveness of me. Chloe stepped a little forward and I came out from behind Stacie.

Chloe kneeled down to me and stuck out her hand to me gently. "I understand if you're mad at me." She whispered. I looked at her bright baby blue eyes. "People might say I'm crazy for talking to a dog right now, but I really believe that you understand me." She continued.

I stepped forward a bit and licked the side of her face. "If only you could really understand me, and turn me back Chlo." I tried to say but it came out as whimpers. Chloe scratched behind my ear and really hit the spot.

I looked over at Stacie who's looked like she was giving puppy eyes to Aubrey. Aubrey looked lost in them. "Okay. Can we take Bella home now?" Chloe said, standing up. "I want her." Aubrey blurted out. "Huh?" Chloe asked, sounding confused.

Aubrey pointed at Stacie. "I want that one." She said. Stacie looked like she was smirking. "Uh, okay then." Benji said. "I'll go get the forms." He continued, heading off. Aubrey stepped in slowly, and Stacie immediately ran up to her and started licking her face.

"Ahh!" Aubrey squealed. Aubrey was erupting of giggles. The one and only Aubrey Posen was giggling right now. Benji came back with the forms and both Aubrey and Chloe signed them.

"Congrats! For Bella, returning to Ms. Beale and for Tracie coming home with Ms. Posen." Benji said happily. Chloe picked me up and Aubrey put the leash Benji gave her on Stacie. I gave Stacie a knowing look as we headed off to the car.

"So, does that mean they can't hear us talk, but when we try to talk to them it comes out as barks and whimpers?" I asked her. "I guess." She said, still looking at Aubrey. "Oh my lord, are you in love with the aca-dictator?" I asked, amused. "What? No." She denied.

"Yeah, if you say so." I said smugly. She turned to me. "Like you don't have a crush on the redhead." She said with a slight smirk. "What? No." I said, copying her words from before. "Yeah, if you say so." She mocked.

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