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"Plane ticket has been booked," Arianna says.

"I'll be there for eight days," I say.

"That's exciting!"

"Also Christmas is in five days," I say. I walk out the school doors and look around to find Isaac's red truck.

"Kinda hoping my parents will get me a car."

"High hopes there."

I see Isaac twirling the keys on his finger while he waits. I don't know why he hasn't gotten in his truck. I smile to him.

"Well I think they want to give me their old one because my mums getting a better one."

"Which one? The truck or the one that may or may not be older then us?"

"At least I'll have something to drive."

"Calm down I'm only joking around. You get so butt hurt."

"Yeah I do get told that a lot."

"Okay I've got to go," I say to Ari as I get in the truck.

"Okay. Bye."

"Who was that?"

"Ari. Oh, where's Auguste? Thought he said he was coming today?" I ask as Isaac leaves the parking lot.

"Nope he's with Ximena," Isaac says annoyed. "He was supposed to come over today."

"I'd invite you over but I'm going to meet Penny. Unless you'd like to come?"

"Too much third wheeling."

"We're not a couple."

"Neither were Ximena and Auguste. When they changed their 'relationship status' nothing about them changed except their status."

"Yeah well I'm not going to date Penny."

"Well where are you going?"

"Turtle Jacks around the corner."

I can see him raise an eyebrow next to me.

"Hey," I laugh. "Okay yeah that looks bad but I swear it's not."

"What if she thinks it's a date."

"Oh she better not because I'm too broke to pay for her. This is why I always order water at restaurants."

He grins a bit.

"Life hacks."

"Yes. Plus you don't get as full and you finish your meal. I think this stuff through."

"Last time I spent all my money leaving a tip for my meal and Felix's. He had a forty dollar meal and tipped three dollars."

"Very generous of him."

Isaac grabs his phone and hands it to me.

"Can you play Mumford and Sons?"

I take the phone and use my fingerprint to get on.

"Today one of my teachers was ranting about how their friend likes Mumford and Sons."

"I'll fight them."

"Maybe that's why I won't tell you which teacher."

"Yeah, yeah," he says.

I play Ditmas by Mumford and Sons.

Penny: Hey
Casey: Hey
Penny: I can't hangout tonight. Something came up. So sorry
Casey: oh, is everything okay?
Penny: Yeah
Casey: oh. ok

"Good conversation we're having."

Isaac dislikes when people are on their phones.

"Penny bailed on me."

"Oh. Lucky us," Isaac says. "We were both ditched."

"Well you wouldn't be third wheeling anymore..."

"Okay. Want to go to this caf? The inside is basically a library and you go there and take a book off the shelf to read. You can also get muffins and things."

"Oh I remember you talking about that place the other day."

"Discovered it when I was able to drive around without a licensed driver in the car."

As we drive there, snow falls. The first time this year.

"It's snowing!" I say.

"I was worried it'd be a green Christmas."

I look out the window watching as others on the sidewalk acknowledge the snow.

"Winter will always be my favourite because of the snow," I say.

"Same. Even if everyone has seasonal depression."

We're now downtown. The small streets are filled with cars and people walking wherever and whenever.

We finally find a spot on the side of the road and get out. We have to walk a bit to get to the caf. We chat about school and upcoming projects till we get to the door.

Inside is a cozy environment. Bookshelves fill the walls with plants scattered about. There's couches in the middle and a coffee table. Against the front wall (which is a giant window) there's a wooden counter with stools that leans against the window displaying the snowy street. Acoustic music plays quietly.

"Wow, it's so quiet here," I say.

"Yeah," Isaac says as he takes off his jacket. I'm wearing my denim Sherpa jacket as always. Although I freeze in this thing.

"Got any homework?"

"Yeah, a bit," I say.

"What subject?"


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