High skool life update because I need to let off steam

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So I was walking out of the last class of the day
A little angry bc I could've done better on a test but the teacher gave me stuff to work on to raise my grade

So I'm walking missing my own business listening to my jams when I get fucking slammed to the ground by a dumbass thot.

Her friends are laughing and shit and she's like "Oh. I'm sorry." Like that's it??? and no one helped me up bc every man for themselves in this high school

So I get up and flip them off bc I'm trying to hold in tears bc that hurt like hell. Like I got bruises on my side

I'm walking to my locker mildly sad and angry bc I could've yelled at them or something.

And then the uhh junior guy. Looks at me and waves at me and says hi.

I'm like sksksksksksksksk hi

That's the interaction but that changed my entire mood like that.

I'm so happy.

And then when I'm walking to the front doors of the school to leave i see him again and we both wAVE!!!!


my grades may be shit
I may have gotten slammed to the ground

But this guy waving at me???
I can take on the entire fucking universe with that alone.


(Maybe I should write him a letter...)

Updating both books soon lemme just finish some projects and retake quizzes.

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