Volume 1: Chapter 0.2

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Hello everyone and thank you for deciding to read my story. Now I know what you may be thinking; "Why is the chapter 0.2?" Simple, I am going to give off a little bit of the backstory along with the conversation with Professor Ozpin with each of my four oc characters before I officially start with the first day at beacon, because I feel like if I jump straight into it then no one is going to know whats going on and I can't have that as my first story on RWBY. Sorry for wasting your time with this long A/N but I wanted to let you guys know about this before going into the story. Anyways enough of me and my rambling you came here to read about RWBY, so here you go, the first OC character. (Picture of him above and music video to go with him.)

Chapter 0.2: Jace Vance

Third person P.O.V.

Jace was a local farm boy in the city of Vale within the kingdom of Vale. He lived his life tending the fields and raising farm animals. Although at a young age he had little to no interest in it he grew to love his life on the farm. As he lived his life he grew to love many of the people of Remnant, from the humans that he was used to; to the many different kinds of faunus.

Jace grew up as an only child, seeing how his parents were satisfied with having a son they stopped there. His mother, Serenity Vance, a caring and loving mother who would teach him the ways of properly raising the cattle and tending the fields. His father, Steven Vance, on the other hand taught him the struggles of farming and how he'd have to put down some animals when the time was right. His parents worked hand in hand and would make a great team raising a son they would be extraordinarily proud in.

When Jace turned the age of thirteen his mother brought him out into the town to buy some supplies for the farm. That day though would be the start of a downfall in Jace's life. The White Fang attacked the town killing any who got in their way. Him and his mother hid from the attack for a while but were caught; being the loving mother she hid her son to protect him soon being killed on the spot. As Jace looked to see who the killer was he saw a man around the age of fourteen in a black jacket with a red rose on his back, a grimm like mask hiding his identity and black pants with boots. His hair was red with streaks of brown here and there.

Jace sneaking his way out of town he managed to make it home safely with his dad waiting for him by the door. As he ran to the door his father embraced him in a hug and squeezed him thanking the gods that he was safe. His father had seen the news, a White Fang attack killing hundreds of humans, one being his wife. He told his son that everything would be fine and that nothing will happen to him. Jace continued to squeeze his fathers neck not wanting to lose him as well.

Three years passes and Jace was now skilled with a pistol for protection, along with his sword. His dad would train him every now and again teaching him that even if the White Fang killed his mother that not all faunus' are bad, some just have a bad backstory. Heeding his father's advice he would only talk to faunus if he absolutely had to. Jace and his father traveled into town and heard some trouble going on at a local dust shop. Jace being curious ventured out to investigate.

Creeping around the corner he saw a man in mostly all white with orange hair going above his right eye, a bowl hat on top of his head and a cane he used to walk around. He crept up to the door and attempted to stop them with all of his might, only to get pummeled to a pulp. Before Jace could die his father came up and offered his life for the price of his son's. Jace's eyes widened at the shock of his father's offering. With the dust thief not having any hesitation shot his father killing him on the spot, knocking Jace out as well.

As Jace woke up from his unconsciousness he looked around to see the paramedics taking him away. He couldn't quite speak due to the lack of being a hundred percent conscious; groggily he asked if his father was going to be okay. The paramedics could only respond with was that his father was long dead and there was nothing that they could do to save him. Jace was broken now, he couldn't trust anybody anymore; faunus or human they were all liars. He couldn't quite forgive them for what they have done.

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