JOLT Chapter 16: Black and White

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Hey guys, quick note. Seeing this is the finale for volume one, this will be a little longer than the rest. Almost 2,600 words, being that after this note and the last. I do hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have enjoyed this volume. I'm leaving the rest of the notes for the end, enjoy!

Jace's P.O.V.

Jace: Oh thank goodness, you're talking now. I was afraid you didn't want to talk because you thought that I hated you resulting in you hating me which ultimately would result in you not wanting to talk to me at all. If that makes sense at all.

Blake: Yes Jace, it does. But why would I hate you?

Jace: My past with trust issues and all that.

Blake: Jace, do you know the White Fang to the pin?

Jace: I can try to explain. Back after the war the faunus made a group to bring peace and unity with the humans, however it didn't serve well seeing that the humans still discriminated the faunus for their heritage. So the White Fang was a voice for the faunus that didn't have the courage to speak up. And then all of a sudden they went dark, from peaceful to violent. That part I don't know.

Blake: About five years ago, the leader stepped down, and a new one took their place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. That's how the peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. They set fire to shops that didn't serve faunus. Hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labor.

Jace: Mind if I ask, how do you know this?

Blake: I was once a member of the White Fang.

Jace: Oh. I see.

Blake: I'm sorry about what Adam did to your mother, I truly am. He doesn't see things like I do.

Jace: Blake? Did you leave the White Fang because they got violent?

Blake: Yes, that's exactly why I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow.

Her bow twitches back and forth. And it looks so adorable.

Jace: No.

Blake: What?

Jace: To me, you're not a criminal. Just a girl with a bad past, you and Liberty both right?

Blake: How did you?

Jace: I didn't until now.

Blake: You sneaky little cowboy.

Jace: Guilty as charged. I must say though, you looked cuter without the bow.

She blushes intensely at that comment.

Blake: W-What are you t-trying to say.

Jace: I'm saying, I like the faunus Blake, rather than the human in disguise Blake.

Opal's P.O.V.

Ruby: Blaaake?!

Yang: Blaaake?!

Opal: Jaaace?!

Liberty: Jaaace?!

Ruby: Blaaake?! Where are yooouuu?!

Yang: Blake!!

Terroni: Jaaace?! Where you at?!

Ruby: Weiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police.

Terroni( Soprano's voice): FUCK YOU!!

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