JOLT Chapter 9: The Badge and The Burden

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Terroni's P.O.V.

Soprano: Hey, Terroni wake up.

Terroni: Soprano what do you want now?

Soprano: I want you to wake up, what else did you think I fucking wanted.

Terroni: Ok, now I'm up. Now what?

Soprano: I want you to go up to Glynda, and fold her. Yeah, yeah.

Terroni: What do you mean fold her?

Soprano: You know, beat her ass.

Terroni: I'm not doing that.

Soprano: But it would be fun. If you know what I mean?

Terroni: Soprano, it's 2 am. Shut the fuck up and let me sleep.

Soprano: Oh yeah you right. You right.

3 hours later

Liberty: WAKE UP EVERY BODY!!!!!!

Terroni: I'm up, I'm up.

Opal: Liberty, do you know what time it is?

Liberty: Of course I do, it's 5 am.

Jace: Then why are we up?

Liberty: We've got to get our stuck unpacked, obviously.

Opal: Liberty, we love you but we also love sleep.

Liberty: Sleep is overrated.

Terroni: To you, maybe, but I want my sleep.

Liberty: You all are a bunch of sissies.

3 hours later

Jace: Terroni, it's 8. Time to get up.

Terroni: Got it, now that I've had some sort of decent sleep, I can stay awake.

Jace: I wouldn't count on it, our first class is Professor Port's class. And from what I've heard he tells stories of his youth and not even teach us anything.

Terroni: Ugh, fine. If I fall asleep in that class though, punch me.

Jace: If you say so.

Opal: We better head to class, it'd be bad if we're late on the first day of school.

Liberty: Race ya.

And she's out the door.

Opal: This is going to be a long four years, isn't it?

Jace: Yes unfortunately it will be. We should probably get going, no one else is going to be able to keep her calm.

A little while later

Liberty: What took you guys so long?

Opal: Sorry we don't have super speed like you do.

Liberty: You're just jealous.

Terroni: Liberty, next time. Don't sprint over here. It's not like we had assignments before our first day of school.

Liberty: Well, I wanted to be extra early.

Terroni: Whatever, you're lucky you're cute.

Liberty: What was that?

Terroni: Nothing!

She looks at me with a curious face but thinks nothing of it.

Terroni(In head): Soprano, did you do that?

Soprano: Do what?

Terroni(In head): So you didn't do that?

Soprano: Terroni, what the hell are you talking about.

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