JOLT Chapter 14: Forever Fall Part 2

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Liberty's P.O.V.

Looking at the fight between Juane and Cardin was painful to watch.

Liberty: Jace, are you sure I can't engage. This is hard to watch.

Jace: Do not engage, whatever you do. If you engage it could ruin the plan.

Liberty: Damn you Jace.

All of a sudden a bright white light shines from Juane, I look over to see him on the ground completely unscathed.

Liberty: That was a lot of aura. How much of it does he have?

Jace: Liberty, what happened over there?

Liberty: Juane's aura just spiked, I don't know what he did or how he did it but he did it. What should I do?

Jace: Stand down for now, let Juane take care of it.

Liberty: Understood.

I continue watching on only to hear an ursa roar, I'm guessing it's the sap on Cardin's armor. I see the rest of Cardin's team run in fear of the ursa, which is bigger than usual.

Liberty: Bunch of cowards. Can't even stay to help your leader out.

Cardin gets batted away from the ursa and attempts to hit it with his mace, but it gets swatted away and it lands at Juane's feet. Juane looks like he's contemplating on whether or not to run or not.

Liberty: Don't run Juane, prove you can do it.

Opal's P.O.V.

I hear screaming coming from the forest.

Opal: Yang, it sounds like three little girls are in trouble!

Yang: You're right!

Then three of CRDL's team members emerge from the forest.

Opal: Guess those girls turned out to be CRDL.

Yang: It appears so.

Russel: Ursa! Ursa!

Yang: What? Where?

Dang, Yang just stood there while Russel slammed into her, and now she's picking him up by the collar.

Russel: Back there! It's got Cardin!

Pyrrha drops her jar out of fear and shock realizing something.

Pyrrha: Juane!

Ruby: Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch.

Russel seemed to have somehow managed to squirm out of Yang's grasp.

Pyrrha: You two, go with them! There could be more.

Opal: Mind if I tag along?

Ruby: You're free to join.

Liberty's P.O.V.

Cardin is running away from the ursa, and then the ursa jumps over Cardin to slash him in the chest sending him flying back again.

Opal: Hey Liberty, sorry I'm late. What happened?

Liberty: Juane got Cardin covered in sap and now the ursa is trying to kill him.

Opal: That's not good.

The ursa goes in to finish Cardin off when all of a sudden Juane jumps in front of him and blocks the claw with his shield.

Opal: Juane seems to be losing.

At that moment Juane slashes at the ursa's chest.

Opal: Okay, so he's tied.

Juane then rolls from another attack, then jumping over a ground attack but getting caught off guard by the grimm's jab in the air. But Juane doesn't quit, he gets back up and charges again, only to knocked away from the ursa again.

Liberty: Come on Juane, you can do this!

Juane then charges again but it doesn't look good.

Liberty: Juane's going to get hit if he doesn't raise his shield!

Opal: I'm on it.

Opal then begins to focus and while holding out her hand she seemingly moves Juane's arm to block the Ursa's attack. After standing his ground and regaining his footing Juane gives a final slash and decapitates the grimm.

Liberty: Opal, that was amazing!

Opal: Thanks, I found out that my semblance was telekinesis, so this was the best time to use it. 

Liberty: Well I'm happy for you.

Jace: Girls? Everything okay?

Opal: Everything's fine. Juane took care of it.

Another chapter down, two more to go for volume 1. See you guys next week.

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