Volume 1: Chapter 0.8

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And final character is Terroni Ragven.

Another thing, this character was inspired by wattpad user @TerroniRagven for allowing me to use his made up character. So go check out his story "Legends of the Scrap Land." And if you ask him, I think I nailed one of the characters he made up.

Chapter 0.8: Terroni Ragven

Third person P.O.V.

The Ragven's were always the outsiders of the people of Remnant.  They always did things their way, with violence. Working with Jacques Schnee, the president of the Schnee Dust company, Mohammed Ragven would always force business deals with other potential donors. He even went as far as putting the faunus in slave camps.

Mohammed Ragven's son, Terroni, was for some reason a rebellious child. None of the other rich kids were like this but he was. Due to this he would always get "punished" after getting home. His father would beat him every night, and leave him crying himself to sleep each night.

Terroni just didn't feel like he should be like the other kids though. He had this ominous feeling that he belonged somewhere else. Like this wasn't his true home, his real life? He always felt like he had more to himself than what he seems. 

When Terroni turned the age of eight he began to develop a voice in his head to cope with the pain his father would inflict on him. He named the voice Soprano; however, he felt like that was a bad idea. He felt like this voice was either going to help him in his abusive childhood, or screw his life over; he felt like it would be the latter option. He didn't have a choice though because no matter how hard he tried to forget him, he'd always come back.

With Soprano coming to his head, came different "powers" Terroni could use. He started fighting with his father when he would abuse him, and his eyes would turn red and his skin would become as hard as diamond. Eventually he had had enough and killed his entire family with a battle-ax that he trained with while being joined with Soprano.

Eventually he wandered the wild with Soprano being his only family he could count upon, with him being his navigator throughout the wild. After three years he grew mad and somewhat bloodthirsty. Killing any grimm in sight he became an unintentional protector of the different cities of Remnant. 

He wore nearly all black, he wasn't goth, it was just his style. That is according to Soprano. Eventually him and Soprano were content with each other and came to a mutual agreement. An agreement that would create a somewhat lasting friendship.

Terroni's P.O.V.

So here I am, out in the middle of nowhere waiting for Soprano to tell me where to go next.

Terroni(In head): Hey Soprano, where am I going next?

Soprano: You see, I'm not quite sure yet. I'm trying to make sure everything pieces together.

Terroni(In head): What do you mean piece everything together?

Soprano: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

He's always been difficult, I can never win with him. Sometimes he can be obnoxious but sometimes he can be a real help.

Soprano: Ok, I believe I've figured it out. We're going South.

South? Okay, I look up into the sky to see the sun setting and start heading South, only to walk for hours.

Terroni(In head): Soprano, when are we getting there?

Soprano: Well, you see. I'm not the greatest at math so I might've miscalculated how far we were going. Cause you know Greenland's not the biggest place around alright.

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