JOLT Volume 2, Chapter 1: Best Day Ever

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Hey guys welcome to Volume 2 of JOLT and I am so very sad to say but I might have to put JOLT on hold for a while. Reason being is because I've lost motivation to keep writing. I've had all these crazy ideas to further progress the story but the motivation to watch the episodes by the second and write is just too much for me. So until I find the motivation to continue, JOLT will be on hold. Again I'm sorry but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Jace's P.O.V.

I walk into the cafeteria and grab my food. I see the rest of my team sitting by team RWBY, and with slight hesitation I make my way over to their table. After the incident last semester it makes me wonder if I've truly opened up to everyone else. I set my stuff down next to Blake and I see she's drawing pictures of the White Fang and Adam.

Jace: Hey Blake, whatcha doin?

Blake: Nothing.

She closes her notebook. I frown on the inside, looks like she doesn't completely trust me just yet.

Blake: Just going over notes from last semester.

Yang then catches a grape from mid air thrown from Nora from the other table.

Yang: Lame!

Nora then flings another grape towards Yang as she catches it and gives a thumbs up.

Ruby then slams a binder full of papers on the table as a bunch of plates and silverware jump from the impact of the table. On top of the binder it say in red text and underlined " BEST DAY EVER ACTIVITIES!" But scribbled out it says "Vytal Festival Activities Property of Weiss Schnee."

Ruby: Sisters! Friends! Weiss...

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This oughta be good.

Yang catches another grape with ease. I grow tired of listening to Ruby's speech and excuse myself from the table and leave the cafeteria. I head over to where I usually wander off to. Once getting there I pull my scroll out, to see that it's 12:53 p.m. I sit down under a tree and begin to think.

I think about what's to come, my fight with Torchwick again, my fight with Adam. Avenging my parents, all of it sounded pointless now. Starting Beacon that's all I focused on, but now, I feel different. Like there's more to this than I first anticipated. What do I do with myself? Eventually I fall into a slumber.


Blake: Jace, wake up.

I wake up to see Blake standing in front of me. How long have I been asleep. I take out my scroll to see that it's 2:14 p.m.

Jace: Must've overslept my nap.

Blake: Yeah, you missed the fun.

Jace: What fun?

Blake: There was a food fight in the cafeteria.

Jace: I don't think that would've been fun to me. Not exactly a fan of throwing food at each other.

Blake: Understandable. Say, why do you come out here all the time?

Jace: To clear my head, this is a place where I can relax and ask myself what's next.

Blake: So?

Jace: So...? What?

Blake: What's next?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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