Volume 1: Chapter 0.4

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And we're back, first off I want to say that I'm sick and trying to get over this, luckily I'm ahead of chapters so it shouldn't ruin my upload time. Next character will be Opal carter. (Picture and music video above). Enjoy!

Chapter 0.2: Opal Carter

Third person P.O.V.

It was hard for the Carter's to lose a family member; a mother of now four lies dead in the bed, having just given birth to the newest member, Opal Carter. William took the bad news the hardest knowing that his wife was no longer with him to care for their children wasn't how he expected this day to go.

Fahm, the eldest son 17 years old, looked at it as a game or puzzle to solve as to how they would go on with their lives without his mom. Tanner, the second eldest son 16 years old, took on the responsibility of being the food gatherer. With hunting being his forte he could easily help his father with gathering food, especially meat. Digory, the third eldest son 13 years old, was the one to comfort his father and reminding him that with one lost comes another life. He always saw the silver-lining in dire situations like this and would always try to turn everyone's frowns upside down.

Now Opal Carter, the youngest child of the Carter's, would face a hard life as her father died when she was three due to being ill. However her brothers were there to take care of her, and teach her basic survival skills so she can be safe. 

Fahm taught Opal everything he knew, quite literally as he was the smartest in the family. His goal was to teach Opal to be as smart as he was, if not smarter. Tanner taught Opal how to hunt game, anything from a grimm to a wild animal. Digory taught Opal his ways of kindness, and chivalry. He taught her that everyone deserves to be happy, and what better way than to be kind to people.

Twelve years later, Opal's life fell apart.

Opal's P.O.V.

Twelve years later (Opal is now fifteen)

I wake up due to the sun shining through, and I force my eyes open. I shouldn't have stayed up with Tanner to hunt again, I can't survive days with two hours of sleep like he can. I get up anyways and go to grab my clothes to get dressed.

I get out of the bathroom and walk to the kitchen to get some food, only to find Tanner gutting a deer. Not something I wanted to see first thing in the morning to be honest, any other time would be fine but not right now. 

Tanner: Hey Opal, want to help me get some venison ready?

Opal: Not right now Tanner, I've got some other things to do. Maybe later on today I'll help hunt.

Tanner: Yeah sounds fun.

He's always been easy to manipulate. Thanks to Fahm I know how to negotiate into getting what I want. However I only use it when I absolutely have to. 

Tanner: Oh Opal?

Opal: Yeah Tanner?

Tanner: Digory wanted to see you in the farm or something.

Opal: Ok, thanks Tanner.

Tanner: Not a problem lil sis.

I run out the door and rush over to the farms. Digory was always my favorite brother, was it because he was nice, obviously. However that wasn't the point right now I need to hurry.

After getting to the farm Digory is seen caring to the crops and harvesting this year's harvest. I grab some gloves so I can help quickly. 

Digory: Ah, I see you've finally woken up. It took you long enough.

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