JOLT Chapter 11: Juanedice

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Jace's P.O.V.

In Glynda's class Juane and Cardin are in a match. With Cardin standing high and mighty and Juane bending down panting, leaning on his sword. Cardin then begins to laugh as if taunting Juane to try harder. Juane mutters to himself and begins to charge recklessly, only for Cardin to sidestep and dodges. He then slams him with his mace and Juane goes flying.

Jace: This battle is decided.

Terroni: It seems to be.

Juane then goes to attack again, only to be deflected by the handle of the mace. Juane gets pushed back and he tries to fight back but Cardin then knees him in the groin. As every guy winces at that sudden act of inhumanity.

Jace: That was uncalled for.

Cardin then goes in to attack as if to kill him. I look at Glynda and it seems she's distracted by kids cutting up outside of the classroom. So I jump in and transform one of my guns into its sword mode and block Cardin's attack.

Cardin: I suggest you stay out of my way.

He gets shocked when I push him back with ease.

Jace: And I suggest you make your next move wisely.

Just then Glynda notices us and intervenes.

Glynda: What is going on here?

Jace: Cardin had intent to kill a student.

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough. Thank you Mr. Vance for keeping a sharp eye out. Students, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Juane is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match.

I walk back to my seat and sit down.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, its been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat, gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to get gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself...

Jace: That guy's a dick.

Terroni: Agreed.

Glynda: Remember everyone! The Vytal festival is only a few months away it won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale.

The bell rings and I take off for lunch.

After sitting down the rest of my team, JNPR, and RWBY sit with me. So much for sitting by myself. Nora then goes into telling us a story.

Nora: So...There we were...In the middle of the night...

Ren: It was day...

Nora: We were surrounded by Ursai.

Ren: They were beowolves.


Jace: Nora, we're trying to eat in quiet.

Ren: Two of'em...

Nora: But they were no match. And in the end...Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

No one is making a sound, it's as if everyone has their mind on something.

Ren: Ah...She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now.

Yet again no one is talking, I look over at Blake and I feel like my jaw drops. She's so pretty, I can't seem to get her off of my mind lately. Then I hear laughing and I look over to see CRDL picking on a rabbit faunus.

Nora: OOH! We'll break his legs!

Jace: Wait, what did I miss.

Nora: We're gonna break Cardin's legs for being a bully.

Jace: That sounds like a good idea. I'm in.

???: Ooww, that hurts!

I look over and see Cardin is pulling on her ear. Something inside me snaps and I get up.

Blake: Jace, you okay?

Jace: I will be, here in a minute.

I walk over to where Cardin was.

???: Please, stop!

Cardin: I told you it was real!

I tap on his shoulder to get his attention.

Cardin: Oh, it's you. What do you want "partner".

Jace: She asked you to stop.

Cardin: What? Did you say?

Jace: She asked you to stop.

Cardin: And who's gonna make me?

Jace: Don't test me.

He lets go of her ear, but not out of fear out of mockery.

Cardin: There, now I do believe it's your turn.

He throws a right hook but I dip under him and punch him square in the jaw, launching him across the cafeteria. His teammates look at me.

Jace: Anyone else want some?

They shake their heads no and go to get Cardin and leave.

???: Thank you.

I turn around to see the faunus.

Jace: Anytime, say what's your name?

???: My name is Velvet, member of team CFVY.

Jace: Well Velvet, stay safe and don't let Cardin bully you anymore. I'll see you around.

Velvet: Likewise.

I walk back to the table and as I sit down it seems that Nora's upset.

Nora: You didn't break his legs.

Jace: But I broke his face.

Nora: Yeah you did, that was amazing.

Nora begins to ramble on how I beat Cardin and Blake taps my arm.

Jace: Yeah?

Blake: Why did you do that?

Jace: Do what?

Blake: Help a faunus. Don't you hate them?

Jace: No, I hate those that hurt others for entertainment. My mother was killed by a White Fang member, Adam Taurus. And my father was killed by Roman Torchwick. So in a way I don't trust many people off of first looks, but after I know who you are it all depends.

Blake: So you don't hate the faunus for what they did?

Jace: No, I only hate those who hurt others, like I said. I actually think the faunus are kind of cool.

She smiles at that statement and I think I saw her bow twitch a little.

Blake: Well that's good to know. Do you hate people that lie?

Jace: If they have a good excuse as to why they lied to, no; if they do it just to lie, then yes.

Blake: Well then I'll refrain from lying to you then.

Jace: Why?

Blake: Because I think you're pretty cool, and you'd be a good friend.

Jace: We'll always be friends Blake, always.

Chapter done, next week new chapter.

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