JOLT Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon

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Welcome back to the next chapter. It's going to be short seeing how the episode is no more then seven minutes long but I will try to put some filler in here. Anyways on to chapter two.

Liberty's P.O.V.

Blake and I finally make it to beacon, she's reading her book as always which doesn't have a title on it. I look out the window and my eyes widen at the size of beacon. It's so big.

Liberty: Blake, look. It's beacon. Get your head out of your book and look.

Blake: Hold on, I'm almost done with this chapter.

Liberty: You said that with the last eight chapters. Come on, you never have any fun.

Blake: I always have fun. Reading is an art.

Liberty: Yeah, the art of being a buzzkill.

Blake: No, the art of imagination. Now come on, let's go, the airship has docked.

We walk off the airship and I see Weiss Schnee. This might be awkward seeing as we robbed dust from them, but that's besides the point. It seems she's arguing with this girl in a red hood. Little red riding hood it looks like to me.

Weiss: Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused?

Little Red Riding Hood: Uhh

Weiss: Gimme that! This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry.

Little Red Riding Hood: Uhh

Weiss: What are you brain dead? Dust! Fire, Water, Lightning, energy!

Well that was a wasted opportunity to become the avatar.

Little Red Riding Hood: Uhh

Weiss: Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself!?

Little Red Riding Hood: Uhhhhaaaahhh-Chooooo!

Oh no, she just exploded. A huge dust cloud emerges and each element is displayed charring both of the girls. The vial of dust flies in the air and lands at our feet. Blake bends down to pick it up whilst still reading her book.

Weiss: Unbelievable. This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm really, really sorry!

Weiss: Ugh! You complete, dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?

Well damn, aren't you a little stuck up to be considered a human? Like damn ice queen.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well...I...

Weiss: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice you know. We're here to fight monsters! So watch where you're going!

Little Red Riding Hood: Hey, I said I was sorry, Princess!

Yeah you stick it to her Red!

Blake: It's Heiress, actually.

I didn't even notice her walk up to them.

Blake: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition!

Blake: The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Yes Blake, yes. Oh how much I want to tell her off.

Weiss: What- How dare-! The nerve of-! Ugh!

She grabs the vial of dust and walks away while little red riding hood and I are just laughing our tails off. Pretty sure she's not a faunus, so the tail joke could be awkward later on.

Little Red Riding Hood: I promise I'll make this up to you!

Blake walks off and I follow her out. I feel bad for leaving that girl though, she seemed lonely. I hope we can be friends later on.

Liberty: So was there a reason as to why we just left all of a sudden?

Blake: Yes.

Liberty: And that is?

Blake: I want to finish my book.

Liberty: Typical Blake.

Opal's P.O.V.

I just got off the boat and Qrow has disappeared. I'm now walking through the courtyards of Beacon aimlessly looking for someone to help me. I then accidentally run into this tall girl with blonde hair.

Opal: Oh, um, sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going.

Blonde girl: Oh no it's fine. I'm Yang, and you are?

Opal: Opal.

Yang: Nice to meet you Opal. You look a little young to be at Beacon, care to explain.

Opal: Um, well, you see. I wanted to protect myself and my friends. So, I guess that's why.

Yang: Huh, well. That's cool I guess. Well, my friends are waiting for me gotta go bye.

She disappears with the rest of her friends I presume, I can't really tell because her friends are all shadows. I venture off on my own again hoping to run into someone else. Eventually I run into Ozpin. 

Opal: Hello Ozpin.

Ozpin: Ah, Opal Carter, I was looking forward to giving you your weapon.

Opal: My weapon?

Ozpin: Yes your weapon. Here.

He pulls out a bo staff, where I don't know but I'm questioning not it. I grab it and it feels like its always been mine.

Ozpin: This staff can also be turned into a sniper, just push this button.

I press the button and it transforms in my hand into a sniper rifle.

Ozpin: And push this button to turn back into its staff mode.

I push the button and it turns back into a staff.

Ozpin: And finally press this button to retract and extract it to make it fit in your pocket.

I push the button and the staff retracts and I stick it into my jacket pocket.

Opal: Thank you professor, I'll be sure to use it well.

Ozpin: Very well, you better head to the main hall or else you'll be late. Wouldn't want that on your first day now would we?

Opal: No sir. I'm off now.

I start running to the main hall to begin my first day at Beacon.

Second chapter of JOLT is done. Next week will be chapter three.

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