Volume 1: Chapter 0.6

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Next character is Liberty Fox. (Picture and music video above)

Chapter 0.6: Liberty Fox

Third person P.O.V.

The town of Menagerie, a safe haven for faunus. Home to many faunus and some humans alike. A beautiful day for exploration as two good friends are having some fun. Blake Belladonna and Liberty Fox are getting ready to go out on an adventure. Blake wearing a black hoodie and some jeans, while Liberty wears a fox jumpsuit.

While exploring, the two faunus run into some not so friendly looking humans. Both of which did not take kindly to them trespassing onto their land. First was a simple yelling at, but day after day the humans got more violent. Continuous beatings, abusive thrashing, and child slavery. Times were not good for the young faunus girls.

Seeing his daughter get pushed around like this, Ghira continued to push the White Fang into peacefulness and tranquility. Hosting boycotts, to peaceful revolutions his daughter was at the front row for each one.

Seeing her friend attend these peaceful revolutions Liberty decided to join her friend and protest for faunus freedom. It didn't really help though, if anything the humans became more violent towards the faunus group of people. With each passing day the faunus lost more and more hope for freedom.

After some years Ghira stepped down as leader and Sienna Khan the new leader of the White Fang. And with every new leader comes new philosophies. The White Fang turned to violence to achieve what they wanted. They would set fire to shops who didn't serve faunus, they would rob Schnee dust company materials that enslaved faunus, and condoned murder and abduction.

Liberty started questioning her joining with The White Fang but had to follow through with one last mission, a train robbery with Blake Belladonna and Adam Taurus.

Liberty's P.O.V.

Here we are, a little ways away from the cliff to the train tracks, waiting for the train to come by. Me and Blake both had the same idea of leaving but we needed a way of leaving. We'd figure something out though, hopefully.

Blake is sitting on a rock staring at the shattered moon while I'm sitting next to the rock staring at the ground.

Adam: Blake, Liberty. It's time.

We both slowly look over at Adam.

Blake: Okay

We all start running at a quick speed and upon arriving at the cliff a crow caws next to us. And the crow seems like it's watching us, weird.

I jump first, Adam follows with Blake being last. We all slide down the cliff side and jump onto the train. I super speed my way so I don't fall off, Blake uses her shadows to keep herself still and Adam just stabs into the top of the train.

We start dashing down the train cars until we get to a certain car and Adam cuts the lock open and we jump in. Only to be met with a bunch of Atlas Knight-130's.

Adam: Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way.

After he says that everyone of the knights turn on and get into a fighting stance.

Blake: Don't be so dramatic.

Liberty: Yeah, wasn't it you who taught us to always strive on, no matter how hard it may seem?

The knights then transform their arms into mini gattling guns.

Robot: Intruder. Identify yourself.

Liberty: Liberty Fox, you're worst nightmare.

And with that Adam makes the first strike and fires his sword into the face of a knight. He then dashes over and grabs the sword and slices the knight into three and sheathes his sword.

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