JOLT Chapter 10: The Badge and the Burden Part 2

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Liberty's P.O.V.

Weiss gets changed into her combat skirt ready to fight the grimm professor Port has in a cage. How did he get the permission to keep that in the room?

You can hear the cage rattling around with whatever is in there. Then the rest of team RWBY begins to cheer Weiss on.

Yang: Gooo Weiss!

Blake: Fight well!

Wait a minute, where did Blake get a flag with RWBY on it? Weird, it's like the plot armor was with her or something.

Ruby: Yeah, represent teeeam RWBY!

Weiss: Ruby, I'm trying to focus.

Why is she picking only on Ruby? Everyone else is cheering for her, but why only Ruby.

Ruby: Oh, sorry.

Port: Alright. Let the match, begin.

The professor breaks the lock on the cage with his ax, rifle thing. How do you use the gun mechanisms without chopping your entire arm off? Oh, the professors here are nut jobs.

Out of the cage a boarbatusk appears, seemingly ready to strike Weiss down. And then it charges, only for Weiss to slash its armor with her Myrtenaster. Which had no affect because the grimm has armor on its body. 

The boarbatusk and Weiss square each other up again and get ready to charge in round two.

Port: Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?

Ruby: Hang in there Weiss!

Weiss and the boarbatusk charge towards each other and clash only for Weiss's weapon to get caught in its tusks. They then both struggle to take the weapon from each other, like a fun little game of tug-of-war.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

She then continues to fight for her weapon.

Ruby: Come on Weiss, show it who's boss!

She looks at Ruby in annoyance and then loses her weapon in the process. It then flies across the room and lands with a clink. The boarbatusk then slams Weiss back away from it getting ready to charge again.

Port: Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?

The boarbatusk charges at Weiss but she rolls out of the way just in time. This battle is getting scary. At this rate Weiss might lose.

The boarbatusk runs into the wall while Weiss slides her way to her weapon.

Ruby: Weiss, go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-

Weiss: Stop telling me what to do!

Ruby looks saddened at that remark. I mean, she's just trying to help. But while Weiss was distracted by Ruby the boarbatusk starts roll charging towards Weiss. Right as its about to hit her Jace jumps into the scene and shoots the grimm stopping it in it's tracks. He then transforms one of his guns into its sword mode and stabs the boarbatusk in its belly, killing it.

Port: Bravo! Braa-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntsman and huntress in training.

Jace: You okay?

Weiss: Yeah, thanks. But I could've handled it myself.

Jace: Sure, at least I didn't lose my weapon in that fight. Or almost get killed for not taking a friend's piece of advice.

Weiss: The nerve of-

Jace: Shut it Ice Queen. Or else I'll shut it for you.

Weiss: Is that a threat?

Jace: No, it's a promise.

Port: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed.

Weiss leaves with a grunt and she looks pissed.

Juane: Sheesh what's with her?

Liberty: She's probably just a little jealous that Jace killed the boarbatusk and it wasn't her that did.

Terroni: Whatever, if I know Weiss, which unfortunately I do, she's upset because she thinks she deserves the best.

Jace: JOLT get to your next class.

As Jace leaves the class the rest of us head off to our next class.

Liberty: So Opal, where are you off to next?

Opal: I'm off to take personal lessons with Professor Ozpin to figure out my semblance and learn to use my weapon efficiently.

Liberty: Well good luck then, have fun.

Opal's P.O.V.

On my way to Ozpin's classroom I see he's just finishing talking to Ruby. She walks off and Ozpin turns around.

Ozpin: Ah, Opal, I take it you're ready for your lessons?

Opal: Yes sir, I am.

Ozpin: Very well, follow me.

 I'm following Ozpin and he brings me to an elevator. We walk into the elevator and he hits the top floor.

Ozpin: Opal, do you know what a semblance is?

Opal: No, not really.

Ozpin: A semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual. In other words your semblance is unique to you and only you. Unlike one of your classmates Miss Schnee, her semblance is hereditary to her family.

Opal: I'm not getting it.

Ozpin: Miss Schnee has her glyphs, Miss Rose has her speed, Mr. Vance has his predictability, and Mr. Ragven has, well, Soprano.

Opal: You know about Soprano?

Ozpin: I know more than you think Miss Carter.

Opal: So a semblance is unique to an individual?

Ozpin: Precisely. And yours will be unique to you. Are you ready?

Opal: Yes, I am.

Ozpin: Good now, sit down and meditate.

Opal: What?

Ozpin: Sit down and meditate. Meditating will allow you to let your aura flow throughout your body and allow you to unlock the knowledge of your semblance. Afterwards you will have to figure out how to unlock it by yourself.

Opal: So after I learn what it is, I have to unlock it?

Ozpin: Yes, you could unlock your semblance from stress, crazy Thursday's, or training.

Opal: Ok.

I sit down and begin to meditate. Focusing on my aura flow in my body, allowing it to become balanced within myself hoping to learn what my semblance is. As the aura finally becomes balanced I can see it. My semblance.

Opal: I can see it.

Ozpin: What is it telling you?

Opal: Telekinesis.

That's it for this chapter, next chapter next week.

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