Volume 3 Chapter 3: Comeback

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Shen Yang spent the next half and a year peacefully. He tried his hardest to fix his bad reputation. With his noticeable change, comes fame. He became really popular with men and women. 

Everyone thought of him and referred to him as 'Poker-faced Prince'. He always had this poker face and rarely smiles. As much as he hated it, it's better than 'Arrogant Prick Scum'.

At his sixteenth year, he became more attractive than ever. He had this more of a feminine facial structure, which entranced both men and women in Dong Choi Academy. And he also became a famous person for fujoshis. They said he was the 'perfect' and cold—but—warminside uke.

(If you join their secret organization, you'll fine hundreds of fanfictions of him with different pairings. Created by yours truly, System.)

Fujoshis╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚uke ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚uke uke

Shen Yang, (who's being paired with, in their Yaoi Novels):  WTF ԅ(☉Д☉)╮

'Eleventh grade...' Shen Yang thought. 'I died at my sophomore year so I'm excited for Junior Year ah!!!'

Passerbys who were looking at him saw how he smiled lightly and his aura was beaming, their hearts warmed. This includes a certain man.

DCA Junior Year Orientation
'Welcome students for another [hell] exciting school year!'


After all the orientation, room sectioning and all that jizz and jazz, Shen Yang went home with a frown. Those annoying girls who followed him everywhere, purposely showing off their 'cool' clothes, as if that would make him interested.

The missing boy was also the other reason that was bugging him.

'System, isn't Chang Yuhan supposed to be here now?'

‹ Chang Yuhan already came back home. ›

'Eh? Then where is he?'

‹ Chang Yuhan decided to skip school and he did something. ›

'Do you know what 'something' did he do?'

‹ System cannot give answers regarding Host's question. ›

'Oh come on!'

The next morning, he did the usual. Eat, take a bath, prepare, eat, brush his teeth, eat. Then, the ride with his car, a black BMW to school. (Sorry, I don't know any cars, LOL)

First class was Biology. He finally saw Chang Yuhan. A man oozing with sexiness. He had ear piercings and his eyes looked sharp. His face was carved like a perfect structure and his body was slightly bronzed.

He sometimes looked at Yuhan hoping he would look back at him. But throughout the whole class, he did not give even a single glance at him.

'Weird... Doesn't he know me?'

He had another class with him, in Social Studies.

Again, the same thing happened.

It perplexed Shen Yang.

'Is he actually secretly planning on my destruction?!'

'[ding] NEW! Sub Mission
Hang out with Yuhan. Form a sincere friendship. Time limit: one month.

Reward: 100 points.
Failure: No punishment.'

'ughh? Seriously? He acts like I don't exist and you dare to give me this mission!!?! SYSTEMM!!!'

‹ I advice host to calm down. ›

' Never!!!'

Oblivious to things regarding him, the legendary fujoshis' favorite BL pairing was now Yuhan and Yang. They noticed how Shen Yang always looked at Yuhan, and this made their hearts go crAaazYy.

He was also oblivious to one thing, Chang Yuhan noticing this all. He likes it very much.


Hey guys!!😔😔

Today was a very unfortunate day for me. Full of misfotunes.
I missed 3 of my homeworks.
Somehow, a student managed to accidentally pour vinegar at me.
I got minus 2 as a punishment on my final grade in Math.
I think I messed up my report in Social Studies??? I am a quite confident talking in front, but I completely didn't study my report so... :(

But luckily, I have this story and you guys in my back.

1k reads?!?! Y'all wildin'! I didn't expect my poor-ass written novel with shit plot to gain this much reads?! I know it's not alot but it's pretty much my first novel.🍟🍟🍟

Thank you so much. Gracias. Arigatō. Xie xie. Kamsahamnida. Salamat.

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